Chapter 17

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The two of them had eventually fallen asleep, Mark holding Sarah in his arms in their deep slumber. The two woke up to the sound of Sarah's alarm, signalling that it was morning.

Sarah reached out, shutting her alarm off as she looked at the time. It was seven in the morning. She rubbed her eyes as Mark shiffted beside her.

"Come back here." Mark said, pulling Sarah back into his arms. She giggled at the sound of Mark's raspy morning voice.

"What?" Mark asked, his hair messy from his sleep. She raised her hand, fixing his hair.

"You're kind of cute in the mornings." Sarah said before rubbing her face into his chest, hiding her embarassment. Mark chucked as he combed his fingers through her hair.

"What time do you start class?" Mark asked her.

"Ten." She replied, sighing as she got out of bed. "I'm going to shower quickly, and then I'll make breakfast."

Mark nodded as he watched her grab her towel before heading to the bathroom. Sarah quickly turned the water on, brushing her teeth before hopping into the shower. When she came out, she dried herself with her towel and then she realized she had forgotten her clothes.


She sighed as she wrapped the towel, hopping that Mark wasn't in her room as she slowly exited the bathroom.

Sarah was particularly unlucky that day, as Mark was sitting on her bed, facing the door of the bathroom as she stepped out. He had already changed his clothes, sporting an all black outfit with his black cap on the bed beside him.

"Oh sh-" Mark quickly turned away, covering his eyes.

"Sorry, I forgot my clothes." Sarah said, quickly running to her closet and grabbing the first few items she saw. She ran back into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. When she exited this time, she had fully changed and had her hair and make up done for the day.

"A warning would be nice next time." Mark chuckled as she made her way to the kitchen.

"It's not like a purposedly forgot my clothes." Sarah mumbled as she prepared their breakfast. Mark hesistated for a moment before getting closer to her, giving her a warm back hug.

"You're kind of cute in the mornings too." Mark said before releasing the hug, screaming and jumping at how cringy he was as he ran towards the living room. Sarah could help but smile at the energetic boy.

Sarah finished their breakfast, setting it out on the table where Mark had help set up the utensils.

"Man, if I ate with you every day, I would gain so much weight because I would want to eat your food all the time." Mark said after taking a bite of the french toast Sarah had made for them.

"I'm only making this because you're here. Normally I eat cereal." Sarah told him.

"Nice to know because for a second, I was seriously debating if I was eating with a normal human being." Mark joked, making her laugh. The two quickly finished their meal, Mark offering to do the dishes while Sarah got her bag ready for school.

"You make me feel bad every time you do the dishes." Sarah said as she came back out with her bag as Mark put the last dish on the drying rack.

"Nah, I feel bad for making you feed another human being." Mark said, grabbing his own. Sarah led him out of her place. The two of them began walking to the subway station.

"So, what should I expect?" Mark asked as they walked.

"Honestly, nothing. If you walk in with expectations, there's a problem." Sarah said, making him laugh. They entered the station, waiting for the train at the platform.

"Remember how we first met?" Mark asked as they stood, crowds of people around them. Sarah nodded.

"Yeah, you were looking at the map like an idiot while trying to get service underground." Sarah replied with a giggle.

"Lucky for me you were there." Mark said, before balling his fists.

"You're so cringy today." Sarah said to him with a smile.

"I know, I don't know what I'm doing." Mark said as he bounced like a kid for a moment.

"People are going to start staring if you don't stop acting like a child." Sarah whispered to him, making Mark freeze. He fixed his cap before exhaling a deep breath, placing his hands in his pockets.

"Is this better?" Mark whispered back to her with a smirk. Sarah rolled her eyes at Mark's antics.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." Sarah responded.

"So everything but the Conjuring." Mark said, sending shivers down her spine. Sarah lightly slapped the boy as he giggled at his own joke.

The train arrived, the two of them getting on. Mark held onto Sarah's hand tightly, making sure they wouldn't get separated between the crowds.

"Oh, how much we love rush hour." Mark said as the subway doors closed.



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