Chapter 21

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Mark took a deep breath before stepping through the glass doors, the bodyguards surrounding him as he made his way towards the van waiting for him outside of the airport. The cameras flashed as he kept moving forward and reality hit him hard.

He was back in Korea. He was no longer the carefree, happy boy who was in love in Canada. He was NCT and SuperM's Mark Lee, the young idol that was well known for being hard-working and passionate about his work.

Mark sighed deeply as the van began to move, taking his cap off as he ran his fingers through his hair. He suddenly remember the notification he had received when he had gotten off the plane, putting his airpods in as he played the snap Sarah had sent. A smiled appeared on his face as he saw her face appeared on the screen. She was lying in her bed, holding the camera up.

"Hi Mark! Hope you had a safe flight. I'm home now. I know you'll be super busy when you get back, so don't worry too much! Talk to me when you have time!"

The sound of her voice made Mark feel happy. Mark took a quick snap of himself before putting his phone back to his pocket. He looked out the window, silently watching the buildings as they drove by. Soon, the familiar building came into his line of vision. They had arrived at the dorms.

"Mark!" Yuta called, running to give the male a big hug as the doors opened, revealing NCT 127's members waiting inside. He saw banners up on the walls, a large tub of watermelon waiting on their dinning table.

Mark greeted each of the members, giving them each a big hug as he entered the dorm. The members quickly assisted him and his manager, placing their bags in their shared room. The members guided him to the couch, making him sit.

"Tell me about your trip, how was it?" Jaehyun asked. He took out his phone to show them the pictures but Haechan snatched the phone from his hands.

"Whoa, who's this girl?" Haechan asked, showing the members his wallpaper.

"Oh damn, did Mark meet someone in Canada?" Johnny said, taking the phone from Haechan.

"Were you keeping this a secret from us?" Yuta asked. Mark felt his ears turn red and quickly took his phone back.

"I was going to tell you but you guys didn't give me a chance." Mark said, glaring at Haechan and Johnny. The two giggled before high-fiving each other.

"It's okay, Mark. As long as your happy, but keep in mind, we don't want any rumours to be spread." Taeyong said, patting him on the back. Mark nodded before unlocking his phone.

Mark showed his members the photos he had taken at the various places he visited, blushing every time one of Sarah popped up. The members spent the rest of the afternoon listening to Mark's adventures while munching on the tub of watermelon their dorm auntie had prepared for them.


Mark looked at the time on his clock. He was sitting on his bed, his guitar beside him. The members had all returned to their own room.

It was 8:00pm in Korea, making it 7:00am in Toronto.

I wonder if Sarah is awake. Mark thought to himself. Mark decided to send her a quick message.

Good morning! How are you? The members threw me a little welcome home party hehe

Mark sent a photo along with the text, one containing the members. He was about to put his phone down when the text tone sounded.

I see watermelon 👀

Mark chuckled at her response.

It was so yummy. What are you up to right now?

Nothing much, just lying in bed. It's the weekend, silly, what else is there to do?

Mark smiled before tapping on his phone. Soon, Sarah picked up his video call.

"I thought you would be busy." Sarah said as she rolled onto her stomach, propping the phone up on the bed's headboard.

"Well I'm taking the time to call you, you should be happy." Mark smiled at her.

"I am." Sarah said, returning the smile.

"Good." Mark said, staring at her.

"How is it?" Sarah asked him.

"I'm retuning back to practice tomorrow. Lots to do." Mark told her.

"Ah, as expected, the busy Mark." Sarah said with a chuckle. The two of them sat there, staring at each other through the screens, not knowing what to say.

Suddenly, Mark's door opened, surprising both of them. Jaehyun poked his head in.

"Hey, are you busy?" Jaehyun asked. Mark eyed Sarah through the screen.

"Is someone there?" Sarah asked. Mark turned back towards Jaehyun.

"I can come back later if you want." Jaehyun said. Mark looked back at Sarah before a mischievious grin spread on his face.

"No hyung, come in." Mark said, before looking at Sarah. "I have a surprise for you." Mark told her. He beckoned Jaehyun towards him. Jaehyun closed the door as he entered the room, stopping at the side of his bed, where he could see Sarah but she couldn't see him.

"What is it?" Sarah asked him.

"Is that the girl?" Jaehyun asked. Mark nodded as Sarah's eyes widened, recognizing the voice.

"Sarah, this is Jaehyun." Mark said before turning to Jaehyun. "Hyung, she's a big fan of yours." Mark said, making Sarah cover her face.

"Mark Lee, I'm going to kill you!" Sarah exclaimed. Jaehyun chuckled as he leaned forward, waving his hand for the girl.

"Nice to meet you." Jaehyun said. Sarah uncovered her face, waving back at him.

"Did you need something?" Mark asked Jaehyun. Jaehyun shook his head.

"I just wanted to hear more about your trip but you can tell me tomorrow. I see that you're a little... preoccupied right now." Jaehyun said, eyeing the two. Mark's let out a small giggle as Sarah began to blush.

"Okay, I'll come by yor room later." Mark told him. Jaehyun nodded before leaving the room. As the door closed, Mark turned back to Sarah, who was already glaring at him.

"Mark, you embarassed me!" Sarah exclaimed. Mark couldn't help but giggle at how cute Sarah was when she was mad.

"You'll thank me later." Mark said, giving her a forced wink. He watched as a smile appeared on her face, making the butterflies in his stomach flutter.



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He's so cuteeee

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