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Vic POV: 

That night, Kellin came into the kitchen and hugged me from behind while I was at the sink. He was acting particularly touchy for the next five minutes before I finally turned around and kissed him. He kissed me back with so much lust that it scared me. I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. They had that look in them. "Is tonight the full moon? " 

"Yes, so touch me. Please. I need you right now, " Kellin pleaded, pulling on my arm. For some reason, every full moon he grew super sexual. 

"Okay, okay. I promise, but we have to take it slow. " 

At this, Kellin pouted. "Fiiiiiiiine. So what do you wanna do then to pass this 'take it slow' thing? " 

"How about a movie and cuddling? " I offered. Kellin looked vaguely disappointed, but nodded anyway. 

Kellin POV: 

I really wasn't paying attention to the movie at all. In fact, I had no idea what we were even watching. I just kept focusing on Vic's hand on my side. I kept trying to adjust myself to get it under my shirt, but every time I moved, he let me go. He had no idea how painful this was. Every ounce of me ached for attention, but  I couldn't get anything. Eventually, I started moving slowly to rub my side against his. It wasn't much, but it would keep my fangs from sinking into his neck with craving. 

I could feel Vic staring at me, and suddenly the room was quiet. Had the movie ended? "You're more desperate than I thought, Kells. " Vic stood up, and then he picked me by the undersides of my thighs. It felt kind of nice. "Cross your ankles. " I did as he asked, and he kissed me softly while we walked up the stairs slowly. I felt myself being layed on a bed, and before he could walk away, I pulled him down on top of me. 

"Kiss me, " I pleaded. "I'm tired of begging for the things that I want. "

"That's cute. " He leaned in closer, I could feel his lips, but they weren't there. Come on, just kiss me already! I couldn't help it, I pulled his head down, kissing him roughly. I don't know who's saliva was who's, or who's tongue was who's, or who's sweat was who's, but that kiss left me so dizzy I could barely see straight. God, I missed this when he was on tour. He began kissing my neck, and I could feel myself beginning to arch my back. 

"Ugh, hurry up!" It was true, clothes were starting to feel uncomfortable. 

"Honestly Kells, you're asking for a split lip and a thousand love marks. " 

"I'm okay with that. " 

He pulled my shirt up to my wrists. "You're not thinking straight. " 

"Well it's a good thing that I'm not straight then. " I leaned forward and kissed him passionately, all while reaching in my pocket and pull in a rubber band out. While I kissed him, because I didn't want to stop that, I tied his hair back. He broke the kiss to look at me questioningly. "You know I love it when your hair's pulled back. " 

"Oh? Well, it does feel like we're having déjà vu, doesn't it? " 

"Give me more? " I pulled his shirt off. 

"Anything for you, darling. " 

When I woke up, I felt really weird. I sat up, feeling a shooting pain in my back. I bit my lip to keep from groaning in pain. But when I bit my lip, it felt strange. I walked, er.. Limped, over to Vic's dresser and took one of his hoodies out. I put it on before walking back to my room to get clothes that weren't already dirty. I threw on a pair of ripped jeans and a black teen shirt before going to the bathroom to see the damage. I almost screamed at my reflection. I touched my purple bruises cover in my neck, and eyed my split lip nervously. I lifted my shirt to find more love marks. Did I bite Vic this much? I nervously walked back to his room to see the damage. 

Much to my dismay, Vic did have a few fresh bite marks on his neck, but they were long faded and scarred over thanks to my protection mark. I shook him awake, and he groaned. "What? Go back to sleep. " 

"Vic, look at me. " 

Vic opened his eyes and looked me over briefly. "You've got pretty eyes. " 

"No, I mean really look at me. What happened last night? Wait, was it the full moon? " 

Vic nodded, and he looked me over again. He sat up nervously. He rubbed a finger over my split lip. "Oh, Kells. I didn't mean to take it this far, honest. We both got a little carried away. " 

"A little? " 

"Okay a lot carried away. But what was I supposed to do? You were like a hurricane of pent up sexual energy! Every time I tried to back off, you wouldn't let me. It's not that I didn't want to keep sending you to escasty, but you're so needy sometimes."

I couldn't tell if he was complaining or justifying. "I'm sorry, Vic. " 

"It's okay, just no more sex for a while, okay? " 

"Until the next full moon? " 

"That sounds great. " 

I looked at my ring. I was still getting used to seeing it, and the idea that I was going to tie the knot with Vic. He reached up and squeezed my hand tightly. "I love you, you know that? " 

"I love you too, more than you think. "

Vic began smirking. "You know, you said the craziest things last night. " 

"Oh no, " I sighed, shaking my head and putting my hand to my face to hide my blush. 

"Which one should I repeat first? " Vic tormented playfully. Ugh, this was going to be a long morning. 

Sexy Drug (Sequel to Vampires Will Never Hurt You)Where stories live. Discover now