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tis eye, hali.

i have decided to become a cult leader and you all are invited to join my cult. together, we will make friends, enemies, and do whatever else cults do🤑. we can come up with activities to do and spam each other LmAo. bring alllllll the crackhead shit. we need it.

but first, in order to officially join and become a dad, you must answer the following questions so i can shape the perfect cult and decide if i'll accept you:

do you like kpop?

are you older than 18?

do you have peanut butter allergies?

do you like anime?

do you watch...hentai?

how often do you go on pornhub?

mangoes? yes or no?

does goober deserve rights?

are you a crackhead?

tots or azz👁👄👁?

why do you want to become a dad?

i hope one day my cult will rise to become a fatass cult.

i hope one day my cult will rise to become a fatass cult

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