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Graduation day. Time sure fly fast. It's really nerve racking to give a speech in front of thousands of people.

I was at the first one to give due to my results and I kept waiting for your turn.

You're always such a smooth talker so I wonder how good your speech will be. It's kinda thrilling.

It's finally your turn. My eyes were stuck on your the moment you walk up to the high platform.

"Hello everyone, I'm Huening Kai from 3-A homeroom. I've been thinking all night about what kinda speech I'll give. I think of giving about my appreciations towards our teachers, school and our principal. But after thinking for hours, I knew what I wanna say. I've been going in this school from my freshman year, made lots of friends and met lots of amazing people. But this person who truly always inspire me to be a better person is the reason why I can get to this place. I'm always my true self when I'm with her and be the best me around her. I've learnt many things about life from her and how to be a better human being everyday. I couldn't be more grateful towards her. She's always been by my side and tell me all the inspiring things no one used to tell me. I know that I hurted her so badly due to my unexceptional behaviours. I regretted those weeks when I felt so guilty that I couldn't talk to her or look at her. But it was my fault and my responsibility to apologize and I did. Y/N, thank you. Thank you for everything. Sorry it took me awhile to realize something beautiful and that I've been hiding it deep down. I love you."

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