♡ | E N D

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"Your speech was great. Just as expected from a smart student." You said smiling.

"Yours was more incredible" I said blushing.

"Did I made you embarrassed?" You asked a bit hesitate.


"I hope that's a green light" you said softly making my heart beats a million times faster as I just smile.

"Y/N, I meant everything I said... W you want to be my girlfriend ?"

It felt like the time stopped as everything went in slow mo except for my heart. I want it, I want it for sure but it's so nerve racking to say that single word. I'm more nervous than standing in front of people.

Deep breaths. I can say it and I want it.

"Yes" I said and nod.


I'm so bad with endings, I apologize.

But thank you for reading it!

Peace out ✌️🏻

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