Chapter 10

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"An escort?"

As if your mother wasn't heart broken enough, she had to deal with this news now.

Her muffled sobs could be heard over the telephone. Jinyoung bites his lips, at a loss for words. How does one break this kind of thing to parents without expecting them to be aghast?

Simple - you don't.

There's nothing more appalling and embarrassing than having to find out that your minor child had worked as an escort just to live a better life.

Kang had expressed her discontent at this too. You had really been out there - for multiple nights - vulnerable at the hands of so many strangers, giving up your dignity for what? For being independent.

Just the thought of having someone touch you while you sat there, offering them your time - giving them full authority over you - how did you even manage to do that?

A sick feeling settles at the bottom of his chest, head bowed down in defeat.

The silk stocking lies in front of him, and never in his life did he think he would be this angry at a piece of clothing. If he could, he would tear it up into pieces,  envision it as every dreadful things you had been through, and rip it into pieces until he no longer could.

His hands shook and he had to hold it down before he could destroy the evidence.

He wanted to know who had done this to you, who had made you go through this hell. He wanted to know where you were.

His urgency to serve you justice was now more than ever.

All you wanted to do was live your dreams.


When Kang told Jinyoung to visit the crime scene again, in case he found something after Chan recounted his 'night chase', he was dubious.

The sight had already been investigated thoroughly, all evidences taken. What more could he find out?

But now, crouched low on the ground he really believed that he had hit the jackpot. Unless this was a setup meant to distract him.

After scouring the cramped up space for half an hour, he found his second lead of the week, hidden in a small crack at the base of the wall. How come they missed it when they first investigated this area? Granted, he did have to squint into the dark hole with his phone as a source of light and use a twig to get to the object, but he couldn't have been that lucky right?

Moreover, what had appeared to be a blood stain on the cemented wall now appeared to be a disfigured letter of the alphabet. That's what he thought it was, of course he could be mistaken.

But the more he looked at it, the more he was convinced that it stood out. Besides, it was situated farther away from the blood stains, on ground level.

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