The Exam

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It was a cold night. I was getting ready for our School's College entrance exam. I picked up my books, got my pencil and study all night..  I looked at the clock and it striked 12:00

As I was writing my essay I felt sleepy, my eyes closed, shut.

I dreamt of going in Seoul. My dream place. Since I was a kid I wanted to live there and make tons of friends and meet celebrities. I thought maybe I could be an idol.

But I didn't find my motivation yet. So I'll wait until I'll be In Seoul.

*ding! *

My alarm clock was annoying me.

I woke up to see me in my study room with books all over the place.  I casually checked the time and...


*opens phone*

"8:39 am"

I was almost late for class. Class usually starts at 9:00

Well, my plan was too study again once I wake up.. But I don't think I have anymore time to do that...

"Y/N! Come down and eat break fast!"

"Okay mom. I'll be there in a minute"

I wasn't dressed up yet.!! Aigo.. What do I do?

I ran and quickly grabbed my hair brush, I brushed my hair as fast as possible and wore my clothes.

*someone comes upstairs*

"You're not done?? Aigo,, Hurry up!"

"Okay mom, Just wait in the car I'll be there soon, I promise."

"Smh, this child.."

I put everything in my bag and went outside.

At school..

"wow, there's a lot of students taking the college entrance exam for Seoul!"

My mom replied "Good luck."

I went outside and said Hi to my friend.

"All students who's taking the Seoul college entrance exam. Please go to class S-1997."


We'll, it's time to start the exam!

I opened my bag and reached out for my pencil.

The teachers gave out the papers to each and every one of us.

I was crying inside. I was too nervous I would fail. It's been my dream to study in Seoul.

" 👏👏👏" "Give me your test papers"
Said my teacher.

Everyone was nervous as they hand out their test paper.

My hands were shaking, I seriously thought it would be the end of my life.

Me and my friends went out screaming with joy that we finished the exam.

"When are they gonna release the score?"

"ahh. I heard after 2 days."

"oh my gosh. Let's prepare our funeral"

I said..

"Stop being negative smh, just say.. Prepare your ticket," well, whatI said was a lie.. Like I wasn't confident I'd go to Seoul. I just said to myself if I can't study in Seoul. I'll just travel there and live there for about 2 years..

IN SEOUL || {A Namjoon Fan Fiction}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora