He's Smile..?

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I ran to my mom finding her being angry. I understood because obviously I took a long time and didn't inform her.

I took my bags and put my hoodie on and went to the Uber with my mom.

I told her about that man. Namjoon.

She didn't understand me so she basically ignored me, but at least it was fun talking to her lol.

When we reached home, I went to my bed as fast as possible and listened to music. Well, music is literally my passion. I always wanted to write songs with someone.

Me and my friends can but they don't really have passion in writing music.

If only I had a friend who would like music like me..

"does namjoon like music?"

I noticed, I could ask him. Pffft. How stupid am I?

Okay, then I found out something really really stupid and I regretted it.


I forgot to get his number.

Ahh.. How will I contact him now? Maybe I can ask some locals if they know his number or where he is so I can keep in contact. Hmm...

I went out and asked my neighbors

"hello! Do you know a guy who's name is... N-namjoon? He has dimples on the side of his smile."

"aigoo.. You don't know? Saseangs have been leaking his phone number. It's all over the internet now."

"wow.. Okay but do you have any idea?"

"Yeah it's *********"

"oh gosh, can you write it in.."

*takes paper from my bag*


"Yeah, sure"

"thanks unnie :)"

"ahh how old are you?

" I'm 19"

"wow, you're young and pretty. Good luck with your life in Seoul.."

"Ah.... Um.. Unnie I'm only staying for 2 years.."

"oh that's fine! Enjoy your life for 2 years here then. I have to go. Bye!"

"oh bye unnie, thank you for the information."

T. B. C

IN SEOUL || {A Namjoon Fan Fiction}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon