Chapter 17

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Zayn's POV

So today me and the lads have been talking a lot, and we've come to the conclusion that we want levana to change us now that we've managed to control our powers.

Right now Levana is at school. Yeah after a year of being homeschooled, we decided that is time for her to make new friends and all that so we sent her to school and she is doing well at school being an A/B student.

She has a few friends, and Aisha is coming next week to live with us, Levana already told us that Aisha is a vampire but that she eats animal blood, that explains why she was so pale, and beautiful.

"Soo lads who's going to tell her?" Niall asked.

"Well I think you should, cause your her mate" Liam said and hugged Louis from behind.

"What? Why me? yeah I'm her mate but I dont want her getting mad at me, I think Zayn and Harry should do it cause you're the parents" He said pointing at me and Harry, smiling shyly.

"Okay, we'll tell her, no big deal...babies" Harry said whispering the last part, I turned around and kissed him softly.

We heard the front door open and close, today was Levana's last day for Christmas break.

She came around the conrner smiling.

"C'mon guys get your asses over here" She yelled to the door, then came and sat in Niall's lap, kissing him softly.

"Hey no PDA children, and Levana who are they, sweetheart?" I said pointing at the 2 boys and the girl standing at the doorway of the living room.

"Hahha we're not doing PDA, and these are my best friends daddy, papa, loulou, liboo, and babe, this are John, Lexy, and Alex, Alex, Lexy, and John, these are Zayn my dad, Harry my papa, Louis my oldest brother, Liam my older brother, and Niall my boyfriend" she finished and smiled at her friends, grabbing their hand and taking them the couch, then went and sat in Niall's lap again, and he started playing and braiding her hair.

"Sooo um how long have you guys meet Levana?" Niall asked looking at the kids across the room.

"Well since the first day of classes" Lexy answered and the other lads just nodded.

"That's nice, I never saw you guy cime around, hoe come?" Harry asked from next to me hugging me by the shoulder.

"Well because our parents dont usually let us hang out in our friend's houses, like they can come to our house but we cant, but I guess like we're A students and today is the last day of classes they left us come" I think John answered and then it clicked they were brothers thats why they looked alike.

"Are you guys siblings?" I asked and smiled at them.

"Yeah we are, he's our yourger brother" Alex stopped pointing at John "And we're twins" He finished then I turned to Lexy then to Alex and yup they looked alike, not exactly the same but yeah they looked alike a lot.

"Thats awesome umm so you guys hungry?" Harry asked them and they all nodded, levana also, and niall also but faster, that im surprised that his neck didnt snap "okay then lets go to the kitchen and eat something" he said standing up and offering his hand, i took it gladly and then we followed everyone to the kitchen

"If you dont mind me asking.......are all of you gay?" Lexy asked

"Oh well yeah we are.....why?" I answered and asked, i asked her cause she looked sad about asking us

"Oh no nothing its because im a huge fan and ive always like louis but i guess my hopes of him hugging me and kissing me are gone now cause he has liam" she paused and then said "its not that i dont like LiLou but i guess.....i dont even know" she hung her head low "and then ive always thought harry liked louis and louis liked harry back but its the opposite" she said

"Oh sweetheart" louis said and went to her and hugged her, and gave her a kiss..........haha got you there right? Well he did kiss her but in the cheek "you see your dream now came true, im hugging you, and kissing you, maybe im not kissing you the way you thought or will like but a kiss is a kiss" he said hugging her tight, as welll as she hugged him back

"Thank you so much" she said and kissed him in the cheek also and smiled at liam giving him a hug and kiss also

"Okay ummm........soooo" Alex grabbed lexys arm and pulled her back, and thats when we saw.........
She had purple eyes? When in the beginning they were brown,

"L-levana why d-does she have p-purple eyes?" I asked her suddenly felling scared of her

"Oh did i forget to mention she, and alex are wizards?" She said calmly before getting in front of us a protective way

"Uuhhh yes i think you did, but that still doesnt explain why she has purple eyes, and the reason why your in a protective way in front of us" niall said being the closest to her

"Fine if you want to get bewitched then ill move" she said annoyed

"NO" all of us whispered

"Lexy calm down okay, they're my family, please just leave them alone" she said

Levanas pov

"Lexy calm down okay, they're my family, please jsut leave them alone" i said as i saw lexy want to bewitched the lads, it happens often it even happened with me the first day of meeting, but alex told me that every time their eyes are purple it isnt that dangerous, when its for real dangerous its when her eyes are red, and he told me the way to get her back from her overpowered-self that instead of getting mad or attack her, that i just needed to talk calmly to her "please lexy, they're your favorite band" i whispered "sing lads, sing he a calm song like, ummm, i dont know Little Things, or Night Changes, something but calm" i told the lads and as soon I quit talking they started singing Little Things,

Your hand fits in mine,
Like its made for me,
But bare this in mind,
It was made for me.

Zayn didnt even get to finish the first verse before.......
she turned around and hugged alex tightly, we were all confused even alex,

"Whats wrong baby?" Alex asked her calmly

"Alex why does this happen to me? Ive never seen you do this, when does this happen every time i meet someone?" She asked crying to her brothers chest

"I dont know baby but, dont worry you always seem to control yourself from hurting someone" he said rubbing her back, thats when i got in

"Lexy dont worry you have me, and alex, and john for you, and to help you get over this, okay?" I said turning her around and hugging her myself

"But yes i have to worry, thats way my mom always tells me to stay home, thats way i never go to school and when i go im always under alex touch, cause under his touch it never happens, and now your family probably is scared to death of me and will make you stay away from me" she cried into my shoulder

"No we dont, we accept you, and will always like you" niall said coming to me and lexy hugging the both of us

"Really? Even after what just happen?" She asked

"Of course" all of them said, then there was a nock in the front door, i went to get it and you wont believe who it was...........after one year, one whole year of not seeing each other

Who do you think it is?
Is it her real dad?
Is it aisha?
Is it someone else who she dosent know?

Well ill post the answer in the next chapter
Bye carrots of the unicorn village❤️❤️❤️❤️
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