It All Begins

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Today i was finally in my new house well i was arriving with the twins, im really existed, its funny how my little peanuts are twins but were born different year, hour, and day Nessa Liffey was my first baby she was born 11:59pm December 31, 2014 and Laurie Nadine was the second twin born 12:01pm 2 minutes after Nessa January 01, 2015, even thought theyre twins me and niall made the deal of celebrating 2 separate birthdays the 31st we're celebrating Nessa's and the 1st we're celebrating Laurie's.

I got snapped back to reality when there was a knock at the front door, niall was in an interview with the lads its really inspiring how they still keep the band going even though all of the lads live in separate houses, bro lou and li moved a year ago but its like they still lived there cause they spent all the time there but since me and niall moved to our house they decided it was time for them to do the same, they still come visit but not as often, so i got up from the bed while my babies were laying in their tummies, the doctor said it was good for their spine, so it goes more strong, even though theyre wolfs they still dont do much in their human forms, they walk, run a little, howl, whine but only in their wolf, i walked to the door and opened it,

"Omfg what do you want god dam it"i snapped in his face, it was cristtpher again

"Look levana im sorry for loosing contact with you but c'mon give a chance, i want to meet my grandchildren, and i want to get to know niall better, maybe even the lads" he said with pleading eyes

"No, no cristtopher i dont forgive you and never will get that in your mind and look not because my babies have your blood in them means theyre you grandchildren cause theyre not, and no you cant meet niall nor the lads" i said and went to close the door but he stopped it from closing

"Look levana please i know i made a huge mistake but i want you to forgive me, please" he said and i saw my dads car pull up the drive way niall got out almost tripping once he saw who was in the door, the lads following behind

"What have you come here for, i thought i told you to never come back" niall said to cristtopher once he reached me, it was funny how even if it wasn't that far back i got used to calling my dad cristtopher instead of dad and got used to calling zayn dad instead of zayn

"Niall calm down ive got this, look cristtopher please just go"i told niall, the lads just stood there watching,

"C'mon levana just 1 chance, or at least let me see, nessa and laurie once and ill leave if you wish for that, ill do it, just once please"

"Ive said NO, now im going to let you meet my daughters with the condition of you never coming back in my life nor my daughters" i said in my alpha tone he bowed slightly and nodded "Daddy can you and papa bring the girls theyre in the living room" i said they nodded and went inside, and the came back out with my babies, cristtophers eyes lit up once he saw them, i just wanted to forgive him but I couldn't i just cant do it

"Oh my goodness, they're identical, and look just like you, with a little bit of niall" he said with tears in his eyes

"Thank you this is Nessa Liffey Horan Malik" i said pointing at the little peanut in my dads arms

"Can i carry her, Alpha Malik?" He said it felt weird of him to call me that but i didnt say anything i just nodded and my dad handed Nessa over to him

"And this is Laurie Nadine Horan Malik" i said and got my little peanut #2, 10 min after i told him to leave and never come back in my alpha voice and he cant disobey cause even if he's not in my pack im still mayor than him

"Im so so sorry levie" he said using the only name that i have actually missed, he used to call me that when i was upset and would instantly calm me, i dont know why but only could call me that

"Goodbye Cristtopher" i said and once everyone was inside i closed the door


Okay lads im done with this chaptie

Hope you guys like it as much i do

Next thing ima do is a authors note please read it please do😊❤️


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