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Our planet is a lot like yours, you know. It has water, and plants, and we need the sun for heat, but...

We don't live on the Earth you do.

We lived on a much younger, cleaner one.

We're human, but tainted. Creatures came from another planet and women were forced to breed with them.

The children of those women were called the Kutsatua, Basque for 'Tainted'.

I am one of them.

The Kutsatua were taken from our Earth to live on another distant planet. We were raised by aliens.

As we grow older, we are given ranks.

You see, being the spawn of humans and aliens, we acquired certain abilities; for instance, we were trained to bend water, fire, air and earth.

As we mastered each element, a symbol was branded onto our fore arms.

Once the symbol was branded, it could only be removed by Death.

No one knew why the aliens cross-bred with humans, but I am sure they had a purpose.

We wear sleeves on our forearms, made of some mystic metallic substance. This stops the symbols from going crazy.

If, for instance, I had a water symbol, I can simply flick my wrist and water will flow out from under my hand-same with the other elements.

So far I just have the earth symbol.

I'm Kalia Stern. A fourteen year old half-breed mutant, living on a distant planet beyond the edges of the Universe.


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