Fading Comfort

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Harry knows sacrifice has to be made. Even so, it can stop but feel dread and anguish for those who died in the war. He knows that in war no matter what, they will lost something or someone. Yet, he can't stop when his mind lingers to the thoughts of those who had long gone. He found himself missing the comfort from a friend. An irreplaceable friend. Hedwig, his beautiful snowy owl, who was far more than a familiar to him. She was the only friend he had at number four, Privet Drive. She was a very smart owl.

Harry could always rely on her when he needed comfort. She was like a family to him. And losing her... Losing her felt like a part of something important died. A part of something that had been at his side for his life and now totally gone. Harry know if Hedwig was here, she would be annoyed and nipped his ear to snap him out of his thoughts by now.

Every each time winter come, he would build a an snow owl at the yard. And everytime, Harry found found himself standing by the window as he stared at the pure white snow. Even if Hedwig wasn't there to celebrate Christmas with him, he would always remember his little friend. One day, he would told his kids about his hero for a bedtime story. Hedwig shall never be forgetten for she had save a life that saved many others.

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