◇ Loba x reader ◇

40 3 6

This is a test chapter to see
If you guys like how I write! :)

You may request what you would like for me to write for the next chapter thank you~ and I do not take Oc x legend so sorry for those if you were going to,but I do take Legend x Legend and Legend x reader

Theme: ???

Word count: 1,362


{Y/n's P.O.V}

I was looking around at the arena searching for a place to land,I was on a team with Mirage,urgh Mirage anyone but him!its not that hes bad,he did learn a couple of new tricks with his decoys though so I guess we'll se how it goes,I was also teamed up with Loba,the new legend here,she seems..like?Good but also trouble at the same time as well,we kept looking for a place to land when Loba was assigned jump master "I'm jump master,my you're falling for me already" she said smirking as she looked around the arena below us,I looked at Mirage and he looked back at me 'Did she just say that?' I mouthed at him 'I think so' he mouthed back,we looked at the arena again,some squad's started to drop out of the drop ship,and then all of the sudden,Loba launched as well taking us with her,I was surprised from the sudden move and so was Mirage but we went with it,I looked to see where she was headed,I frowned "WHY ARE WE GOING TO BUNKER,WE'RE GONNA DIE!" I yelled so they could hear me,I guess Mirage had just now noticed this because he frowned when I said that looking at where we were going

"ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS LOBA?!" Elliott asked looking at her as if she was crazy,she laughs "DONT WORRY,WE'RE NOT GONNA DIE,AS LONG AS WE FOCUS WE'LL BE FINE!" she replied to me and Elliott,I looked around checking for any other squad's nearby,I groaned,Elliott looked at me "YOU GOOD Y/N?" he asked,I looked at him and smiled slightly "YEAH I'M FINE!" I replied looking at him "ITS JUST THERE ARE AT LEAST LIKE 6 OTHER SQUAD'S!" I yelled,his eyes widened as I said that "AT LEAST WHAT?!" he yelled in shock I laughed at this "6!" I replied and did a quick backflip in the air enjoying the moment before we would die once we hit the ground,"FOCUS!" Loba hissed at us as we landed,once I hit the ground I immediately ran to the supply bins grabbing all I could,I looked at my weapons,a P2020 and a Havoc,Oh gosh,This isn't a really good,but for it being the first round it wasn't that bad

{~time skip~}

{Mirage's P.O.V}

I was talking with Y/N while Loba was looking around,that was when Loba got downed "Ah Damn it!That hurt!" She yelled,I got up immediately and ran towards Loba seeing that Bloodhound was performing his finisher,I started firing at them with my R-99,Y/n behind me firing at Lifeline,once Lifeline was downed Y/n ran to Loba reviving her as I killed Bloodhound,and then Lifeline,there was still someone left,but they weren't here right now I believe

{Y/n's P.O.V}

As I revived Loba she looked at me smirking "Thanks beautiful" she said thanking me as she took out a med-kit reviving herself,I looked at Mirage as Mirage looked at me as well 'did she just?!','yeah she did' he mouthed back I looked at Loba again,I shook my head chuckling "No problem" I replied smiling slightly,I looked around checking for any enemy's in sight,I took out my Flatline and pinged a jump tower "Jump tower over there" I announced making my way over toward it,"1 minute until the ring closes" Elliott said following behind me,as Loba followed as well with her Eva-8-auto shotgun in her hands as she did "Yes" she replied,looking at the jump tower,I smiled at this as we all made our way over there

{~Time skip~}

{Y/n's P.O.V}

There was only one more squad left..my heart was racing,I tightened my grip on my R-301,I felt like I could pass out,I looked at Loba as she placed down some type of staff with a head of a wolf,I looked at it confused "Shops open boys and girls" she said smirking as she did,and then I saw her swap guns from a Triple Take to a Spitfire,I was Shook "HOW'D YOU DO THAT?!" I yelled,she laughs "Its my ultimate" she replied,I ran over and activated it "Woaahhh" I took some heavy ammo because I was running a little low on it and I also took some light ammo as well for my R-301,I heard some footsteps and immediately turned around seeing an enemy in sight and started pointing out their position "ENEMY NEARBY" I yelled as I started firing at them,Elliott got up Immediately and started firing as well "TAKING SHOTS" Loba yelled in slight pain as she fired as well,I winced as a bullet had hit my shoulder causing me to lose my balance slightly,once I got back up I fired again Elliott had downed Caustic,as Loba killed Wraith,I got out of my cover firing wildly as I downed Revenant,'heh thats a first I've downed Rev' I thought to myself as I put away the R-301 and tilted Revenant's chin up so he would look at me "Aww poor thing" I said smirking as I punched him in the face killing him I laughed as I saw his deathbox on the ground I looked behind me,Loba looking at me "Impressive,you took out the demonio" she said commenting on the kill,"heh thanks!" I said smiling as I did,I saw Caustic try to revive himself with a syringe I chuckled and shot at him killing him as well,an announcement came on "We have our Apex champions" I laughed "WOOO YEAH!" I said proudly,Elliott laughs as well "NICE!" he said smiling as Loba looks at us smirking "WONDERFUL,I TOLD YOU WE WOULDN'T DIE IF WE FOCUSED" she said laughing as well,I jumped up and down a couple of times as Elliott looked at us "Drinks on me" he said smirking,I looked at him so did Loba "Alright!" We both said at the same time, We got back onto the dropship where the other Legends were,Revenant was in the corner glaring at us,I looked away from him,once the congrats,and all the thanks we said we went to Elliott's bar to celebrate our victory today,we were talking about how we won,and a little information about ourselves so we would know Loba better,she looked at us smirking "Well I have to go,I'll see you later Elliott" she said and then kisses my cheek I blushed slightly as she did this,she smirks "I'll see you later beautiful" she said and walks out of the bar smirking,I looked at Elliott,he was about to say something "Don't you even dare Elliott" I said jokingly,he laughs and so do I as well I looked out the window to see Loba walking away,I smile slightly seeing her 'Mabye shes not that bad' I thought and I turned to look at Elliott "Well I'm going home as well,I'll see you tomorrow Elliott" I said getting up,he nodded smiling at me "See ya tomorrow in the training arena Y/n" he replied,I walked out the door,and started making my way over to the Apex dorms I opened the door and lay down in bed thinking about all that had happened today as I slowly drifted to sleep


I think that turned out pretty well,anyway please leave requests in the comments and I hope you guys stay safe! ❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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