The Fight

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It was time. Time to make Jake pay for what he did to Emma Kate. I made my way to the back of the school. I was told that this is his hangout. I turned the corner and saw Jake with two of with friends Geffory and Henry. When he saw me he looked genuinely surprised, "oh did you come her to m-" he started but is didn't let him finish. I punched him right in the jaw "that is for Emma Kate" I yelled! Geffory and Henry grabbed me but not before I laid another punch on Jake, right in the eye. Jake started to furiously punch my stomach and face. "You think you can waltz in here and take my throne! No! I will so you who is boss! And stay away from Ashley... she is mine!" He yelled in my face, he threw on last punch and Geffory and Henry threw me into the wall.

I have been here for at least an hour I have been to weak to move. Finally I have the strength to get to my car. I to my house (well technically apartment) and instantly fell down, I drifted of into a dreamless sleep.

Emma Kate's
"Please s-to-p" I begged. What's happening you may ask? We'll I'm being bet by my mother and father. "Ahhh" I screamed in pain, I think they broke a rib. Not good. "Haha" they evilly laughed, and walked away. "Ugh" I groaned as I crawled my way to my room. I got in my bed and had a sleep full of my usual nightmares.
When I got to school I went to my usual class. And saw Luke. Oh gosh, what happened to him. He had two black eyes his face and arms were bruised and he was limping. "Luke! What happened!" I yelled rushing over to him. "Uh... Nothing I... Um... Fell down the stairs" he stuttered while scratching the back of him neck and then biting his lip nervously. "Luke Hemmings you are a horrible liar"I said to him, "me lying pft no" he said. "Luke tell me what happened" I said sternly while raising my eyebrows. "Um well I got into a fight with um this person so uh yea". "Luke!" I gasped in surprise, "we'll you don't look much better" he told me smiling. I knew he meant it as a joke but all I could remember is my parents laughing above me. I shut my eyes but I could still see them kicking and punching me. "Emma, Emma are you ok' Luke asked me but just as he said those words they drifted of. I couldn't breathe, I made gasping sounds and Luke was panicking, he dialed a number into his phone, which I assumed was 911. I knew what was happing, I was having a pain attack. Soon Luke was looking over me smiling and holding my hand, but his face was soon replaced with my fathers face. I blacked out just as I heard an ambulance.


Heyyyy sorry I toke so long to update. I'm on vaca. But merry Christmas. And cliffhanger xD. Vote and comment

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