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Emma Kate's


I woke up to beeping and someone squeezing my hand. I opened my eyes and was blinded by a bright light, I put my hands up to shield my eyes and let them adjust. After about a minute I looked over to the side of my bed to see a worried Luke looking at me with bright eyes. "Emma" he stuttered, “hi Luke” “are you okay?” he asked me “just dandy” I replied with a smile. He chuckled and hugged me “im so glad you’re ok, I thought I lost you” he muttered into my hair, surprisingly I returned the hug for some reason I felt like I could trust him I would most likely regret that but oh well. “um also your parents are here” he said looking down, I froze “you need to leave Luke… now” I stated looking him straight in the eye. “What! But what if they hurt you?” he shouted “Luke please just leave” I whispered tears welling in my eyes. “No I’m not leaving you” he stated his blue eyes piercing into my soul. I opened my mouth to say something but the door burst open and a doctor walked in holding a clip board. “Ah I see your awake” he exclaimed, I smiled weakly at him. “Well you can leave the hospital whenever you feel ready, oh and your parents are here” he smiled and left the room. About 5 minutes later the door opened the door and my drunk mother and father stumbled through the door. “hello there brat” he sneered, “don’t talk to her like that” Luke shouted jumping up. I sat there horrified and pulled Luke down. “My dad walked over and pushed the red button on my bed side table, a nurse walked in and asked what we needed. “We need security to escort this boy out of our room for harassing my daughter” he said with a smile. My eyes bulged out of my head at what he just said, “excuse me security I need you to escort a young man out of the building, thank you” the nurse said into her radio. “what no! he wasn’t doing anything!” I shouted at the security guards now coming into my room. I turned to Luke he just as shocked as me. The security guards each took one of Luke’s arm, “no you don’t understand! let me go! She needs me! Emma! Em-“he shouted and was carried out of the room. “Luke! Luke!” I shouted standing up but being pushed back down by the last security guard, he left and shut the door behind him. “let’s go worthless piece of trash “ my mother tells me. I slowly get up still shocked by what happened.

At home*

After my beating I went up to my room. I cried more than I ever have before. I cried for Luke, I cried for school, I cried for being beat, I cried for everything. And then I thought, I thought about Luke. And I didn’t want to admit it but I think I had feelings for Luke, they weren’t friendly feelings.

Next Day at School*

I walked through the school towards my next class thinking about my unfamiliar feelings when someone shouted my name my head shoot up to see who yelled. Suddenly someone hugged me from behind I flinched and turned around to see Luke’s beautiful face staring at me. I instantly hugged him back, surprising myself. “Hey Em” Luke said into my hair “Hi Luke” I giggled, “are you ok, did they hurt” Luke asked pulling away looking me straight in the eye, “no… I’m fine” I lied “Emma-Kate I can tell when you are lying” “fine they did beat me… but I’m fine” I told him even though I felt lie crap. “Come on let’s get to class” I said while nudging him towards first period. Finally lunch had arrived I walked in the lunch room to my usual table, Luke was already there. “hey” I said to him “hey Em I um… wanted to ask you something” he said nervously “yea what sup” I said while sitting down next to him,  “I was wondering if you um… wanted to go to p-“ he started but was cut off by someone screaming his name, he turned around to see Jake and his gang snickering. “Aww look at the two losers aren’t they cute… not” he laughed while pointing at us, “get lost Jake” I sneered “ohh look it talks” he snickered. By now the whole cafeteria was watching us like we were some king of circus act. “at least we have something better to do with our lives than bullying an innocent person” Luke shouted at Jake obviously enraged, for a second he looked surprised at our comeback but then he said “really like what” “make real friends” Luke answered him crossing his arms across his chest. A chorus of ohhs and snaps could be heard throughout the cafeteria “you will pay for that Hemmings” he sneered and stalked off with his crew. “Luke that was awesome” I shouted not caring about the stares we were getting, he grinned widely at me. “hey what was that thing you wanted to ask me?” I questioned him “that oh pft… it can wait” he told me while scratching the back of his neck, “oh ok” I said slightly confused. We ate the rest of our lunch in peace , as I finished I noticed I was eating my lunch and I had a feeling it had to do with a certain blond boy stuffing his face net to me. I looked up and smiled at Luke, he looked up at me “what… like what you see” he giggled while pretending to flip his hair. “pft no… I like nothing about your appearance” I told him while rubbing my nose (it was something I do when im lying) “mmhm” he hummed stifling a laugh. “you know you are a horrible liar” he told me “I know” I giggled while looking down acting as if I was ashamed. He laughed, and I swear him laugh is like angles. “hey Em” he said “yeah Lukey” I laughed at my new nick name for him “I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house after school?” he asked me “of course” I told him smiling “great we will just take my car after school so meet me at the bus stop” he told me while standing up “ok cool” I said also standing up “bye bye Emma” he told me while hugging me “bye bye Luckey”

*after school

I was waiting at the bus stop scrolling through my twitter feed when a I felt someone behind me. “Boo!” Luke shouted behind me, “ahhh” I screamed while jumping around “HAHAHA” Luke laughed while clutching his stomach. “Not funny Luke” I shouted while playfully hitting him arm “ahhh I’m wounded” he shouted and dropped down to his knees and pretended to die “nooo! Lukey” I shouted and ran to him side “he was too young to die” I yelled and sighed dramatically. I looked at look and saw him trying to hold back a laugh. Suddenly he burst out laughing, this turned into both of us roiling on the ground laughing. When we finally regained ourselves we got up and made our way to Luke’s car. The car ride was filled with us singing to the radio, I found out that Luke actually has a beautiful voice. We finally arrived at Luke’s house, it was an average sized two story house. “Nice house” I told him while stepping out of the car, “thanks” he said, we entered the house. “Mum I brought a friend over we are just going to go down to the basement” he yelled “ok” a female voice answered back with the same accent as Luke. “Come on lets go” he said while nudging my shoulder. I followed him down a set of stairs, we entered an awesome lounge room, “this is so cool” I said while gliding my hands along the wall. Luke giggled at me and sat down on the sofa, I walked over and sat on the beanbag. “what do you wanna do” he asked, “20 questions?” I suggested, “ok”.

“Where did you move from?” I asked

“Australia” he answered

“What is your full name?” he asked

“Emma-Kate Rue Smith” I answered

“Do you have any siblings?”

“Yup Ben and Jack and they both stayed back in Australia” he said

“What is your favorite color?” Luke asked while smiling

“Periwinkle” I answered while wrinkling my nose

Luke laughed and I giggled at his response, I opened my mouth to ask another question, but I was interrupted my Luke’s mum, “dinners ready” she told us. “Did you want to stay for dinner?” Luke mum asked me, “uh… I don’t know I don’t want to be a trouble” I answered back “nonsense” she said “ok I suppose” I said to her while smiling “great” she said while climbing back up the stairs. “She loves you already” Luke said to me while laughing, I smiled back “well I am quiet lovable” I said while giggling. Next thing I knew Luke was driving me home, I had a great dinner and Luke’s mum and dad were great, “well this is your house right?” Luke asked pulling me out of my thoughts, “yea, thanks Luke” I said. Than I did something unbelievable I kissed him on the check, I felt sparks fly and it was if fireworks were shooting and it was just me and Luke, even though it was just a kiss on the check it felt great. I pulled back only to see Luke’s shocked face. I hoped out of the car and walked to my front door I opened it and sneaked to my room, once I closed the door I slid down to the floor and hugged my knees, then a feeling fit me like a train, I think I was falling for Luke Hemmings.

Hey guys sorry it took me so long to update but here you go enjoy! And there will be Michael, Calum, and Ashton in this story. Thanks! Byeee


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