Damn, I really gotta start watching CM soon, huh? XD

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Valentino: {He's lying. He probably smells us. We're his fucking RAPIST. There's no way he loves us. We tore his body to pieces and he knows we'll do it again~ I know he's lying, but... You want to pretend. Yeah... It's nice to hear "I love you"... No one's ever said that to me before....} *He stays where he is* 

Vaggie: Okay, just... Tell me if you ever have any problems, okay...? I've... I've been there too...


King: *Gasp* M-MaDDOX~~!!~ 


Mugman: *He looks towards the floor, flustered* 

Bendy: H-Hehehe!~ *He stops William from kissing, cups his cheeks, and gives him a loving, yet still cartoon-like, kiss on the lips* X3


Eddie: *He sees his mom pull up* See you guy's later..! *He walks to the car, getting in* Hey, mom.

Billy: Anyway, Devil, wh-where're you gonna go...?

Ren: Imma hang either with LJ and Georgie or go to Rich's. 

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