Valentine's day adventure!

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(This is how Song celebrates Valentine's day with Grim and Sana. She was going to teach Grim how to celebrate it since he has no idea what it is, Sana also deciding to help her out.)

"So wait, this holiday stuff is about spending time with people you "love" and stuff? As in like romantically?" Grim asks Sana who was carrying him in his cat form. She of course was wearing her nice fur coat outfit, her hair up in its normal pigtails.

"Yes. But it's not just with the person you love, friends can be included as well." She tells him. A gentle smile showing on her face, her face cheeks a nice pink color due to the cold air.

"That's...kinda weird." Grim says, making Sana sigh.

"W-Well, you'll find out that it's really nice! And we'll get you something too if you like Grim, I can try and get you some chocolate. But your a cat in this world so you might get sick..."

Grim pouts hearing Sana say that. "Hey! We won't know for sure! I mean I can try and change my form back at the house!" Grim says making Sana shake her head quickly with wide eyes.

"N-No no! You don't need to do that!" She tells him in a panicked voice. The last time he tried to turn into his normal form things, let's just say, got seriously bad and chaotic.

"Are you sure? Does that mean I can still try the chocolate?" Grim asks her, making Sana bite her lower lip thinking for a while before letting out a long sigh knowing that she wasn't going to be able to win this argument with Grim this time.

"Yes, you can try the chocolate. But only one though." Sana tells the cat, making said creature cheer happily.

"Yay! I can't wait!" Grim says happily. Sana softly smiles at the sight of how happy he was, she couldn't help but gently pet his head.

"I can't wait either...!" Sana says with a gentle smile on her face.
This was going to be the first Valentine's day that Grim and Song will be joining in on, not just them but for their friends back in Twisted Wonderland as well.

Despite not being able to actually be there physically they can still send the others things through the mirror in Song's room.

From time to time, the mirror will allow Song or the rest of the girls to write a letter or talk with the boys back at NRC, of course they told them many things about their worlds, and the others do the same to see the same awe and interested looks on their faces.

Song was able to confirm that she was able to send letters to the boys when the mirror does not have enough magic to let the boys be seen after a conversation. Though sending boxes of food and other items are still unknown since no one has yet to try it out yet. She decided that sending a letter to Headmaster Crowley about the idea of trying to send food through the mirror in a box.

Sana could tell that Song really wanted to get Malleus chocolate, but it probably would be hard to do so. No one knows if the food will be alright when being transported to another world through a mirror after all.

Despite that being true, Song will still send letters to the boys about the holidays she celebrates with Iroha and the others.

She would mostly mention to Malleus that she was excited to spend the holidays with Sana. 
(Meanwhile in TW, Diasomnia Dormitory...)


"Now Malleus, what is it now?" Lilia asks as he looks at Malleus, who was staring at the recent letter Song had sent a day ago.

"It's Song. She says that she and her friends will be celebrating a holiday in n her world." He says, his eyes narrowed, never leaving the words that he had been reading over and over again.

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