Bravery within!

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(Person above is my oc Sanata, she is my main oc for my main story I always dream of making but I am adding her in this because I see her and my other ocs having a place in this story, not gonna say much about her past for this series yet due to not having much ideas but hey, you know the drill. (Maybe) XD, anyways let's get to it for this story shall we?)

"How many times am I going to tell you Sanata. I am NOT doing it!"

Sayaka shouts at the light and dark blue haired girl as she crosses her arms, the two were talking behind a building with Kyoko and Siren beside them, Grim on Sana's shoulder, watching curiously as to what they were doing.

"Huh? What are we talking about again?" Grim asks looks as he looks at them all with a blank expression with half opened eyes, now realizing how tired he was. Kyoko instantly facepalms at how Grim never even heard the conversation.

"You seriously weren't listening?!" The crimson red head frown at Grim who looked confused, the cat seemed to have been lost in thought as Sanata was talking their ears off.

"Your not really the best listener even when your not at your school are you?" Sanata said as she eyed the gray cat while pouting.

Grim sweat dropped as he felt each of the girls give him the stink eye except for Sana, who only kept a tight hold on Grim and looks down at Grim with a soft sigh.

"Grim-san, you should try and listening more." Sana said and makes him turn around and look at her.

When he sees her face she saw her adorable eyes and the concern on her face nearly killed him. To be fair, he kinda liked the fact that the girl supports him, even though she was a good even though she's more shy and can be very timid she still has guts when wanting to be brave along with trying to help others out with their problems.

She's been through a lot of horrible things as well, and ever since Mitsuki Villa has been her new home ever since after meeting the team. Grim was very greatful to meet Sana as well, after all she was such a good help when looking after him when he first came to this world.

"Are you sure your alright?" Sana asks the gray cat who only blinks and smiles.

"Ah, d-don't worry about me I'm completely fine! No problems at all!" Grim tells the teal green haired girl who only looks at him with more concern.

But before she could say anything Sanata then said to the cat,

"Look Grim, ya gotta focus the next time we talk about this plan, looks like I gotta go over it again." She said with a pout before she smiles brightly.

"Today we're gonna give Sayaka some confidence training!" Her crystal white eyes sparkle brightly in excitement.

Grim however blinked in confusion at hearing her say that. "What do you mean? Confidence training in what?" He asks.

"Duh! She needs confidence to ask Kyousuke out!" She said happily.

"Just to hang out with him! I'm not asking him out on a date or anything like that!" The blue hair cried out quickly.

"Then what's with the red face ya got right now?" Kyoko asks pointing at her as she eats a stick of Pocky. Grim looked at Sayaka and saw that her face was a bright shade of red, making Grin laugh.

"You are trying to ask him out!" He said laughing but then he stopped and tilted his head confused.

"But what do you mean by that? Are you gonna ask him something to take out or what?"

Siren, the girl with longer pigtails that are the color of chocolate, shakes her head. sighs shaking her head. "Grim, Sayaka is trying to ask Kyousuke out on a date,not take him somewhere to beat something or someone up or bring her something."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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