Winter Child pt. 1

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A quick note: Welcome! So, this story is going to have a lot of violence in it. If that is something you will be uncomfortable with, there is no way to escape it here. It is dark all the way through. Ties That Bind is a prequel for a bigger book series of mine, in which the narrator of this will have her own arc, along with some others. This is her backstory. This will consist of four main sections and spans all the way to where the eventual main story would begin. Buckle your seatbelts, folks. I hope you enjoy reading and get as attached as I am to Ofelia. She's been constantly in my head as of late. If you have any questions about absolutely anything in this world, even if it's not relevant to the story, feel free to ask me! I have a plethora of knowledge waiting to be shared. Much love to you, readers. 


When the attack comes, like it always would, the year is 1428 and Ofelia is in the armory with the weaponmaster, Falen. He has a fine sword in hand and he shows her how to hold it. She watches him with rapt attention, soaking up as much information as she can, for she knows she'll never be able to remember all of it- but she must try her best, regardless. Falen speaks softly and smoothly and she enjoys listening to him talk. He likes her company, too, if the way he indulges her is any indication.

When the attack comes, like it always would, Ofelia is with Falen. First, a scream rips out and Falen glances over at the door. Once is nothing to worry about, but then it happens again. Then again, followed by a booming crash. The doors to the armory burst open in the same instant and she jumps. Falen doesn't jump- the thought crosses Ofelia's mind that nothing could ever frighten him- but he does glance over at the door with an arched eyebrow. The Elven man who busted in radiates upset and immediately Ofelia knows something isn't right.

"What is it?" Falen questions, the musical quality of the Elven language enveloping his words.

The man whose name Ofelia doesn't know looks at her and she smiles at him, but all it earns her is a set of furrowed eyebrows. "He's here. Get her out."

The man scoops up a quiver of arrows and a bundle of spears and exits the building with haste. Falen plucks one of the swords off the wall and grabs her by the arm. He pulls her toward the other end of the armory, where Falen unlatches the back door and presses his hand against the lock to keep it momentarily shut.

"Listen to me, princess," he says, sounding serious, like she's gotten in trouble for playing a particularly nasty prank or like that one time Atriel caught her trying to catch a snake instead of frogs. "When we get out there-" A sudden, shrieking noise cuts Falen off and his head jerks toward the front entrance. The commotion outside has yet to cease and the warring sound grates on Ofelia's ears. "When we get out there, you must keep close to me. Do not let go of me and keep moving. Understood?"

Hearing the urgency in his tone, Ofelia nods. The sounds continue and they send bolts of fear up and down her spine. She doesn't think she wants to go out there, but then Falen is kicking open the door and shoving her in front of him, one arm around her shoulders as he shoves them both forward.

Falen keeps telling her to run and because of this, Ofelia does not have time to look around, but she knows something has desperately gone wrong. The smell of smoke hangs thick and heavy in the air. The screech of metal sounds all around her. There's booms and crackles and yells and yells and yells. Ofelia keeps her eyes to the ground and the ground is red. There's bodies on the ground and they're covered in red. The dirt is slick with red and if Falen weren't there to keep her moving, she might just slip on it.

They go out into the woods and even once they're out there, they don't stop until the sounds of battle begin to fade. Falen drops to a knee before her and takes her face in his hands, forcing her to meet his intense gaze. Ofelia trembles, just a little. Back at the castle, back home, another boom sounds. Instinctively, she tries to turn toward the sound, but Falen holds her cheeks so she can only look at him.

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