Chapter One

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Bright blue eyes sparkled with an innocence that could only belong to a small child as they gazed around the busy street in awe. Her shoulder length raven hair was pulled back from her chubby face by a small pink bow, her light pink dress shifting as she gazed around in wonder. 

“Maah look Tou-san!” A small finger pointed at a stand that held various phone charms, her eyes zeroing in on the one of a chibified pro hero. A light chuckle escaped the male besides her, his blonde hair ruffled in the breeze as his gaze took in the way her gap tooth grin beamed up at him. 

Crouching down next to her, his oversized white shirt shifting as he  squatted next to her. “Do you want one Kagome-chan?” His voice was low as he whispered with her, ignoring the looks tossed at his seemingly malnourished form. He was used to the looks and whispers while in this form, they were a stark contrast to the ones he received while he was in his pro hero alter ego.

Rocking on her heels the young five year old could barely contain her excitement! Not only had her father finally come to visit her he was also taking her shopping! It had been months since she had last seen him, she understood. He was a big hero! It was his job to beat the bad guys up. 

He was the best hero ever and one day she was going to be just as good as him! 

“Yes please!” Her blue eyes glittered with childish happiness as his own softened, guilt churning in the pit of his stomach. He was loath to admit it but he had almost forgotten that she had dimples in her cheeks. Already she was inches taller than the last time he had seen her.

She was growing up without him. He wasn’t there for her first steps, or her first words. He had missed so much of her young life already and he knew it would only grow worse. He had just snagged the number one hero spot, his job was never done.

All he could do was take what precious little time he could with his only child. Placing his hand on her head he ruffled her locks smiling as she soaked up the affection, her small hands reaching up to hold his in place.

“Pick out whichever one you wa-” He jerked as a loud explosion went off a few blocks away from them. He was on his feet in an instant, the sound of screams and sirens blaring to life. His muscles tensed as people began crying out.


“It’s a villain!”

“All Might save us!!”

More explosions ran out and he could only glance down at his child, his heart lurching as she clung to his hand in confusion as tears began to roll down her face. Fear radiated from her very core.

Yet she wasn’t the only one scared, the only one in danger...

Clenching his jaw he pulled his hand from her small one, his mind made up. “Kagome stay here!” With that order barked out he ran forward ignoring the way she yelled after him.

“Papa! Don’t! I’m scared!!” Her small voice became lost in the chaos of the screams and explosions. 

Her tiny shoulders a she sobbed one hand rubbing at her eyes as she cried out for her father. Her small body being jerked left and right as people ran past her to try and get to safety. She could only cry as she was shoved so harshly that she ended up on the ground sobbing as she shivered in fear.

“Papa!!” Her voice was a shrill cry as she sobbed the explosions getting closer and closer. The stand she had been just moments before shook with each loud boom. Products falling off the shelves to bounce off her small head and shoulders.

A particularly loud sheik made her shiver as the store across the street from her seemed to implode, sending sharp metal and derbi everywhere. The smell of smoke curled around her as she began to hyperventilate. 

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