Chapter two

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Silent tears trailed down hollow cheeks, a sniffle escaping here and there. Otherwise all was silent in the dark room, just like her world. Her mother was gone, put to rest after a long battle with sickness and while she should be happy she was no longer in pain but she was so mad and hurt.

She was truly alone, a fact that had just become blaring obvious to her. After the funeral was over and everyone had left after giving her their condolences she was left to pick up the pieces.


Her own father hadn’t shown, honestly shouldn't be surprised but part of her deep down had hoped that he would just know she needed him... Yet he had no fucking idea how bad she was hurting and it only cemented the fact that she didn’t matter to him.

She had never mattered to him.

How was it he could hear random people cry out for help and not her? She was his flesh and blood, they were supposed to have a bond. Her mother had always known when she was upset, often wrapping her in her warm embrace and just letting her talk out her problems. Afterwards she would make them some tea and just sit with her.

And now she was gone.

Snarling her hand lashed out knocking over the various vases that littered the table. As if flowers were supposed to make things better!

Sobbing she fell to her knees, pulling on her long blacks locks to try and replace the emotional pain with physical. She could handle physical pain, she would welcome it right now. Curling in on herself she buried her face in her knees, her shoulders jerking with her sobs.

“It’s not fair!!” Her hands pulled her hair, her scalp burning as she bit her lip so hard it drew blood. She relished the coppery taste that flooded her mouth, her quirk flaring to life to seal the cut only to have her teeth tear into it again.

"Why." Kagome cried her hands pulling at her hair till it burned and her body shaking as she curled into herself. The remnants of the flowers and gifts that had been delivered to her home after the funeral, scattered on the floor. She didn't care though.

There was a knock on the door but Kagome ignored it and not caring when the creak of the door signaled someone entering her home.

Kagome just stayed curled in on herself but looked up when she heard a sigh and someone picking her up. Blue eyes flew open to look into bright blue eyes, making her blink as she looked at the dark haired man.

"You really shouldn't hurt yourself. Anger or any emotions should be channeled in a different way." The gruff voice said as he looked around and went up the stairs and to her room. He had been a visitor more than once at this home. Over the years of running into the young woman being left alone while her father went after villains, he had to take her home to her mother on more than one occasion.

He sat the young woman on the bed, a sigh leaving him as he looked down at her. She looked broken, something he dind't like to see on the young girl who was usually so full of life.

"Sleep and we shall talk in the morning. I have a few questions and I have a feeling you are going to need some help." His eyes ran over her form that was slumped over, he motioned for her to lay down and shes did, tears still in her eyes.

"You don't have your flames on." Kagome muttered as she let her eyes flutter closed, not even opening them as he sat down on the floor, his back leaning against the bed.

"I don't have them on twentyfour seven, as much as some people think I do." Endevour muttered, amused that was the first thing she said to him.

"Now sleep. We will talk in the morning." He then watched the girl he had become found of do as she was told. He looked to the ceiling, trying to figure out what All Might was thinking leaving her alone at a time like this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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