Chapter 2

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America pov

I decided that we should go to go to the Philippines cause why not also its been a while since I have visited philip's place
I came to the Philippines to visit mahal. I went inside my car and drove to philip's house once I've reached his house I knocked at his front door "Sino po yan?"philip said while opening the door "Joe?!"philip said looking at me with wide eyes"how are you mahal~" I replied he then hugged me real tight that I almost couldn't breath "Ma-mahal I c-cant breath!" I said while trying to breath for air "Oh I am so sorry joe! I just missed you that's all"philip said having an apologetic face expression(I don't actually know hehe)"It's ok mahal so are you gonna let me in? ""Of course joe! why not?"philip said having the most heart warming smile I blushed at his smile whike looking away"are you ok joe?" philip asked with a worried expression "is it that hot in the Philippines?" he asked once more "U-uh yeah i a-am just used t-to cold weather that's all" I lied to "oh it's ok c'mon lets go inside before you past out because of the heat"philip said jokingly.

I went inside and had a guilty expression on my face feeling bad for lying to philip earlier 'dammit why did I lie to mahal God I feel so Stupid' I said to myself luckily philip didn't notice my guilty expression and I was thankful for that and the rest of the day was just us hanging around and on that day I thought me and philip would be friends forever or even more..........until

"Look I am sorry mahal but you can't do that it's against the Humans Rights law!" "But you just don't get the situation I am in joe! if you were me you would do the same thing! philip said back our fight continued until philip had enough"THATS IT MR AMERICA I AM DONE"philip said walking out of our meeting room 'he didn't called me joe anymore' I said in my mind and I knew that I just blew my chance of making philip mine...
(end of flashback)

"I should just stop thinking about it" I said while I was walking through the hallway I saw Philip with mal and indo since we were going to philip's country for summer I should ask what province he wants us to stay in.

I walked to philip and asked him what province in his country we were gonna stay at
"hey philip since we are going to you're country what province are we gonna stay at?"I asked him "hmmm.... why don't we talk about it after school? sounds like a plan?" he said "oh ok sure" I replied and went to my locker honestly I thought that he wanted to avoid me but since he said that we could talk after school I eased up a little bit

Indonesia's pov

what did ame mean I was to curious so I just asked philip " hey philip what were you and ame talking about?" "oh remember that ame was gonna have a sleepover well he said that we will stay at my country" he replied "oh ok"" you guys are gonna come right?"philip asked " Ofcourse! why not?! I mean we are gonna go to you're country" i said while smiling "Indog is right you know"malay suddenly said"first off all dont call me Indog  second of course I'm always right I mean I am Inonesia after all"(oh ma goodness I can feel the undertale vibe in this indo sounds like papyrus)  while  I said  that I heard philip giggled  and when I looked at him he was still laughing oh my god phil why are you so cu-WAIT A MINUTE no indo he is just a friend...... right?

time skip to the end of school cuz im lazy

narrator pov

as school ended philip went outside and saw ame  he then remembered there conversation earlier and he walked up to him "hey ame!" philip said cheerfully "h-hey philip" ame said blushing since he missed philip looking cheerful "so I thought about it and we are going to CEBU!" philip said "sure that sounds great!" ame replied"when are we going to go there though?"philip asked "in the next 5 days"
"oh ok bye ame!" bye philip" ame said gloomy cause he wanted to talk to philip more but he just let it happend

to be continued

ayy another chapter though this is shorter than the last one cuz I rushed this anyway the part where they actually go to cebu is int the next chapter or next,next chapter ok thats it for today I hope you enjoyed this one stay safe stay at home wear a mask when you are gonna go outside and dont forget to wash you're hands bye! author out!

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