Chapter 14: Someone had to do it!

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DEDICATEDTO @writeon27 because I'm totally in love with her books. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM Especially her 'MyLife' and 'TTH' series. Her books are too awesome for words. Check it out!

I dedicate this chapter to you, the one who write those awesome books!

Yeah, I revised Heartbreak Girl 5SOS... Sue me!

Monica's P.O.V.

Closing my locker shut, I walked down the hall to the library to read a few books to review for an upcoming test since it was still early.

Well, I was going to do that if it wasn't for the excited students running to the lawn.

Feeling confused, I asked a girl which was heading to the same direction as the other kids ran to.

"What's happening?" I asked as soon as I stopped the girl.

"Apparently, someone with balls is dissing some popular kids." The girl said. I let go of her and rushed to the lawn myself.

What? I was curious.

When I reached the lawn, I was surprised at the large crowd gathered around a spot by a tree. I walked towards the crowd to see what the commotion was about.

I craned my neck to see the center, but no such luck. Curse my 5'5 stand and this large crowd. So I did the most rational thing I could do.

I went through the crowd, pushing people away and stomped on some feet by accident.

By the time I reached the front of the crowd, I was breathless. But seeing my bestfriend throwing out some... not-so-good words at Josh and Fiona, made me even more breathless.

My eyes went wide and in that moment, I was rooted to the ground, frozen and unmoving.

"'re popular here, doesn't mean that you can step on people that are lower than you! She did nothing to you, yet what did you do? You fucking hurt her, you bitch! Josh is not even your boyfriend! Why the hell do you care if he glances at another girl?" I heard Brandon spit the words out on Fiona who was turning red in anger and embarassment.

"I didn't do anything wrong! She was stealing my boyfriend away from me!" Fiona said, well, more like screeched. "That slut deserved it." She continued in that nasally, high-pitched voice of hers.


"Slut? Who are you calling a slut? Mony barely shows skin! You however," Brandon paused to look Fiona up and down, disgust written all over his face before he continued, "You look like a prostitute. I don't even think the fabric you're wearing can be classiffied as clothes."

He was telling the truth though, the things she's wearing cannotbe classified as clothes. They look like a peice of cloth draped over her privates, which were not as private, I believe. I bet she had already opened her legs to the while male population... except those who think with their brains and not with their 'friends'.

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