Chapter 1 - Invitation

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There are always two sides: right and wrong, good guy and bad guy, white and black, Yin and Yang, protagonist and antagonist. Everyone seems to think they know the difference, but don't they believe killing someone who took another's life away is okay? So why are the "bad guys" always the ones that want to avenge someone they lost? The broken, the different, the lost. All of them, always the negative side. Everything they do is deemed "bad." What if you knew their story? Would your views change?

Tsubaki. That's what he was called by those who knew him. Those who didn't? They did not say a word. They were guilty of not knowing the hidden sibling. Who is Coming, the 8th servamp, the servamp of melancholy. The one who laughed too much to suit melancholy. The one who everyone was against. The one whose story was not told. And yet there he was, walking towards an almost abandoned swing-set in the middle of a quiet town. A town where no one said a word; everyone minded their own business and stayed silent. Even if something...particularly strange was happening, such as murder. That was the reason Tsubaki found the young boy. Sakuya Watanuki, who could not have been older than 8, sat alone on the swing. He wasn't childishly playing on the playground, no. His head hung low with grief as he held onto the chains. Tsubaki silently joined him, sitting down on the empty swing.

"Hey, kid, what're you doing out so late?" he inquired, staring up at the dark, night sky. "Shouldn't you be sleeping in the comfort of your bed?"

The child sniffed and wiped a tear. He timidly looked up, bracing himself for a hit. When there was none, Sakuya asked: "Are you gonna lie to me too?" He told—well, tried to tell— what happened with his sister. How she was pushed by his parents off the balcony, how he was forced to lie to the police, how no one said anything. Tsubaki listened carefully. The feeling after a family member betrays you was too familiar to him.

"I promise you. One day, I'll come to get you. You'll be free from this pain and will live with a family of people who will never betray each other," Tsubaki swore. He squatted in front of the green-haired boy, reaching out a pinkie to show his honesty.

Since that day, Tsubaki kept his promise. The day that Sakuya was betrayed and forced to fall to his death off the same balcony, Tsubaki was waiting by the swings. Upon seeing the body of the nearly dead teen on the ground, Tsubaki had started walking. It's not like anyone would notice. Sakuya's parents were probably too busy calling the police to get their money. His sandals created splashes with each puddle he stepped into. It had stormed that night and the ground was covered in spots of water that mixed with the poor boy's blood. It was a hideous sight. His face, though not visible, most likely had an expression of disappointment or unusual acceptance. There was nothing he could do to stop fate. Yet the same fate brought the mysterious man back to the boy. 

"Sakuya Watanuki, we meet again. I kept my word. Come with me, escape this state you're in and live freely." Tsubaki stood in front of him, reaching out an arm. What happened next was unexplainable; nobody besides the Servamps truly knows how to become a subclass. Whatever it was allowed the teen to slowly rise from the floor, eyes now glowing an eerie red. The newly immortal vampire had left his 'home' town with Tsubaki, guided by nothing but the moon. It gave off an unusually red glow as they walked off. Since that day, Watanuki's family wasn't heard of again, and neither was the rest of the residents. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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