Chapter 2: Slash and Burn-Part 2

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On the airship, Marie and Isaac were at there stations and Isaac said to her, "Well Marie, so far we don't have a wealth of information about the stabbing of Harriet Patrick, but I do feel that we're on to something."

Marie agreed and added in, "In her short time in Concordia, the victim met quite a few people. And one of them killed her."

Just then, Evie showed up and she looked at Marie and said, "Marie, the victim's last name was Patrick, right?"

Marie nodded and said, "Why do you ask Evie?"

Evie then told them that a woman with the same last name is having trouble at the market. After hearing that, Marie and Isaac knew that the person must be the victim's cousin and they headed out to see what was happening. At the market, a woman was confronting Mary Patrick while a crowd was watching and the woman shouted, "Your relative was a monster!"

Mary retorted back, "What are you talking about you harpy! My cousin was the salt of the earth!"

"The salt of the earth?! She was the devil in disguise," the woman shouted in return.

Mary then exclaimed, "You're a madwoman! Get away from my stall!"

Reaching her breaking point, the woman shouted, "SHE WAS A MURDERER!!!"

Showing up just in time, Marie and Isaac got in between the two women and Isaac said calmly, "Ladies, please! Settle down!"

The woman shook her head and exclaimed whole pointing her finger at Mary, "I will not settle down! This woman's relative killed my family!"

Seeing the woman was covered in soot and ash, Marie knew that she must've been one of the fire victims. She then asked her, "What's your name?"

The woman told Marie that her name is Rivke Gelber and Isaac said, "Madam, I think the heat from the fire must have addled your mind. I believe you must explain your accusations to us."

Rivke nodded and went somewhere to wait to be talked to. It was then that Marie suggested that since the victim's cousin has a stall, then Harriet must have come to the market and it's a good chance that there are clues lying around. Isaac thought that it was a good idea and the two decided to search the market first before they could talk to Rivke. It was then that someone who was passing by through the market, saw Marie and their eyes went wide and a blush crept up on their face.

Soon, Marie and Isaac looked around until Marie spotted a trash can and she told Isaac that she wanted to look through it much to his disgust because he couldn't handle the unpleasant smell. Marie also found a photo of a gentleman dressed as a sailor which makes Isaac a bit curious. In the corner, Marie found a message to the victim which says, 'To Harriet P. The fairest of them all.' The two of them got curious as to why the gentleman didn't sign his name on the picture.

Isaac soon remembers that the Concordian Flying Squad has listings of anyone who has to go through customs. Marie agreed that going through that list will help them find out who the gentleman's identity is. Before she could look at the clues, Marie and Isaac agree to talk to Rivke Gelber first. As soon as they confronted her, Isaac asked her curiously, "Mrs. Gelber, you accused the late Harriet Patrick of killing someone?"

Rivke nodded and she cried hysterically and exclaimed while holding a doll, "Yes! My Itzik! My Esther! All burned to ashes!"

Marie looked at the woman and said to her in a consoling voice, "Mrs. Gelber, please try to calm yourself. We don't understand who or what Itzik and Esther are!"

Rivke thrusted the doll towards them and she exclaimed whole crying, "They were my family! This doll is all I have left of them! My husband and little baby girl are gone! Lost to the flames! And it's all Harriet's fault! All of it!"

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