Chapter one: learning something new every day

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Kayla sat at the table, sipping on her morning coffee.

It had been 3 and a half years since she moved from Madrid to Manchester, England.

Of course she wanted to look after her twin who suffered from a car crash, but sometimes she wished her sister wasn't so reckless, and irrisponsible!

"Morning Kay!" the cheery voice of Mia wofted into the kitchen.

"Alright 'M'" Kayla murmured back.

Mia stopped in her tracks and looked at her sister. Kayla had been in a grump ever since she left Madrid to Care for Mia.

Mia could understand why her twin was in a grump, she had a life back in Madrid, a well-paying job that she got offered a promotion before she had to leave, more friends, and more of a social life.

Now Kayla is in Manchester, she is a struggling journalist for the local newspaper and it is quite obvious that her job is on the line.

This is all Mia knew about her twins life now. She wished she knew what was going her mind. Mia wanted to help her sister. She really did. She just didn't know how to.

"Hey babe!"

Both Mia's and Kayla's heads turned as Mia's boyfriend of 5 years walked into the kitchen.

Danny Rodriguez had been friends with Mia and Kayla since they were all very little, like the twins he grew up in Argentina's Capital, Rosario!

Danny was in Portugal visiting his sister, brother-in-law and niece, when he got the call about Mia in hospital after her car crash, Like Kayla, Danny dropped everything and moved permentaly to England to help Mia get better.

Kayla nodded her head at Danny as in acknowledgement of his existence.

Mia wrapped her small arms around her boyfriends neck, as she stared into his perfect coral blue eyes.

To find an Argentian with pure, blue eyes, is almost impossible, that's one of the reasons why Mia has been in love with him, since the age of 4!

"Hey Kayla!"

Kayla looked up to see Danny and Mia both smirking at her!

Which got her very nervous...

She nodded uncertainly, not sure whether to stay sat and listen to the two troubles or to make a fast escape.

She preferred the second option better, but wasn't able to act upon it, as Mia started talking.

'damn you twin!' Kayla thought to herself.

"So, Kay.. Danny says that the house next door is no longer for sale, it's been brought and apparently by someone good looking!"

"So...." Kayla mumbled, not really caring where this conversation was going.

"So, we should totally go on a double date!" Mia squeaked loudly, making Kayla moan.

"No, no, no and no and oh yeah NO!"
Kayla had enough of Mia trying to set her up on blind dates.

"But why not? it would fun. Just you, me, Danny and Mystery man!"

"Because believe it or not, I don't like being set up on blind dates!"

Mia faked a hurt expression and brought her hand up to her heart as if her feelings were truley hurt.

"But I thought you liked them?"

"Huh! I guess the saying is true then, you do learn something new every day!"

And with that................................
Kayla just shrugged her shoulders and walked out of the kitchen.

"Fine then! Let's not go on a double date, but you know, you're going to have to meet Mystery Man sooner or later, Kayla!"

'Or Not!' Kayla mumbled to herself, before walking outside and slamming the door, shut behind her.

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