But It's Not Enough

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"I love you, but it's not enough... god what is wrong with me" Audrey though. She's was sitting on her Ducati on the border of the road thinking about what just happened with Neil. All she wanted to do is go back, but deep down she knew she had made the right choice.

A noise coming from her pocket brought her back to her surroundings. It was her alarm for her next shift at work starting in one our. She didn't realize she had spent the night riding her motorcycle and thinking about Neil. How will she be able to face him now. She put back her helmet on and drove to her house to get a cold shower before going back to work. At least Neil wasn't working today and she wouldn't have face him yet.

Through the day she kept feeling nauseous. What if he came and checked up on their patient, because if they had something in common it was how both of them were to hide their feelings in work and this is why they were the best surgeons. They would put all their energy at work and focus only on that.
After her consult she quickly returned to her office passing right in front of Glassman without even looking up. This action didn't go unnoticed by her previous mentor.

It was now 3 o'clock and her day was far from over, but she couldn't work anymore she needed a break from all this paper surrounding her or else she would become nuts. That's when she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in" Audrey said. At her suprise it was Glassman. "Dr. Glassman, uhm what can I do for you?"

"It came to my attention that my chief of surgery hasn't been seen much today and I think this means you did what I ask you to do, am I right?" he was now in front of her desk, looking at with a sad smile.

She was suprised by the words coming out of his mouth and she knew he would not back down until she answered the question. "Yes, I did." She waited before continuing her sentence. "I broke up with Neil and I really don't want to talk about it so if you have nothing else to tell me I would like to continue my work." she looked back at the paper on her desk without giving any attention to her boss hoping he would leave her alone.

"You know you did the right thing by breaking up with Melendez, I know it's hard but I hope that you're going to see that I was right by ask you this." he made one last look at her and left her office without saying anything else.

Lim rolled her eyes and let go of the pencil in her hand. She got up and went on the balcony to the exact spot were he told her those 8 letters that made her smile to the moon. All she wanted at this moment is to go back to him and tell him that they could make it work. Or just go back to when they were just fools in love with the only fear of not being alive to see the next day. She sighed and got back to her work or else she would have to spend the night working on hospital budget.

She had finally finished all her work and had the next day to herself. But she couldn't stop thinking about Neil. It took all she had not to drove to his house. She had to be strong, for him and his job. He would never forgive her if he lost his job because of their relationship and she would never forgive herself ether.

The more she thought about it, the more she hated herself for catching feelings for her college, she loved him so much and she still did. Unfortunately she knew that love wouldn't be enough if something happened to their career because of her stupid decision.

As Audrey was getting in her driveway, she was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice that someone was sitting on her front porch. She was playing with her keys in one hand while holding her helmet in the other when she look up and saw him.

"What are you doing here" she said looking at him while he got up.

"We haven't finished our talk yesterday" Neil said getting closer to her.

"Yes we did!" Audrey tried to pass by him but he got in-front of her closing the only access she had to the door. "Please Neil, don't make it harder than it is!" she was almost begging.

"You didn't let me say anything you just left and I'm aloud to give my opinion too" his voice started to rise. "We are two in this, you can't just decide alone when we are together and when we're not! I believe we can make it work, please give us an other chance." He got closer to her and smiled softly.

They were so close that the only thing she could see was his eyes and before any one of them knew what was happening they found themselves kissing one and another. She let her helmet fall on the grass and hug him. The world stopped arround them. His left hand was on her cheek. He could feel a warm tear touching his finger. The only thing that mattered at this point was for them to be together.

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