Chapter One: Meeting Father

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Izuku POV:

Four years ago...

I scanned my eyes down the alleyways looking for a certain man. Ever since I was little I questioned where my father is and where he went but my mother never said a thing, always keeping quiet. This frustrated me and made me doubt my mind. Now at 11 I finally figured it out.

From the rooftops, I look for the blue-haired freak that I planned to meet. I've always had a higher IQ than most so it didn't take me long to figure out who my father is. I've always thought my mother was probably keeping these things from me for a reason so I decided to rummage around the house. When I came across my birth certificate with a name I did not recognize as my father, I started to dig. searching up the name I found no results not a place of birth, school attended, or anything of the sort. Looking to the dark web I found a man that had risen to power years and years ago, name unknown. I didn't think it was possible that he was my father but now looking at his quirk maybe it was.

Finally, I spotted him, Tomura Shigaraki. Tomura was recruiting low-level thugs for his next plan. He is creating a League of Villains to take down All Might in a few years, but he needed people. This crazed idiot wasn't the one behind all of these plans. I was smart enough to know that there was a master behind this puppet.

"Hello little thing," I said to him, yes I know he is older but he is one scrawny childish figure.

His face rose with anger. "I'm much older than you child so careful with your tongue" he yelled out. "Now you asked for a meeting with me, out with it."

"Fine." I chuckled out "I came for business so I'll make it quick. I'm looking for my father"

This time he chuckled "You think I can help you with finding your father? Are you an idiot"

Are you? I question in my mind. Sighing I stated "I don't think I know you can. My father is your master the real one behind this grand plan of taking down the number one hero."

His face morphed into realization then into anger. "No, no" he cried out "Master would tell me if he had a son, a family."

"Guess not" I smirked.

"You know what? I'll take you to him and when he sees you're not his son he'll kill you himself" he did a crazed laugh.


After walking in circles for hours we were finally there in front of my father. The blue-haired dumbass didn't want me to recall the way to the police or heroes, not that I'd do that. I've never liked the heroes after meeting the number two hero Endeavor; that bastard was only in it for the money and the fame.

We only looked at each other for what seemed like forever. "Son?" He muttered in disbelief. The last thing I remember is being enveloped in a hug.

569 words :)

Authors note:
For every one new this is a story that I've already written but I'm rewriting it! also in my fanfiction, the villain One for All does not look like a thumb haha. This is Izuku's father and the villain All for One:

 This is Izuku's father and the villain All for One:

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