Episode 1

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*Grayson's POV*

"Tomorrow." I mutter, dismissing Ethan as he stands in line with me to get coffee.

Ethan: "We have to film this week, Gray." He grins. 

I scowl after him as he turns and leaves. His words rub salt into my wounds because I didn't want to film. I hate to admit, I've been wanting to quit YouTube because of rumors. As I grab my coffee and sit down at a table, I stare out at Hollywood. The familiar street seeps into my consciousness. My mood is as flat and gray as the weather. My days are blending together with no distinction, and I need some kind of diversion. I've filmed all weekend and now, I'm restless. I shouldn't feel this way, not after several hours of spending time with Ethan. But I do. I frown. The sobering truth is that the only thing to capture my interest has been my phone. This reminds me-Mom is supposed to call me about her moving here. What the hell is keeping her? Intent on find out out what she's playing at, I glance at my phone and check my schedule. Oh Christ! I have to meet with some girl named Emma for our date. Why the fuck did I agree to this? I loathe dates-tons of questions, awkwardness, pointless. My phone buzzes. 

"Yes." I snap at Emma as if she's to blame. At least I can keep this date short. 

Emma: "My friend is going to see you, Grayson."

"Your friend? I was expecting you."

Emma: "It's my friend who's going." I scowl. I hate the unexpected. 

"Cool." I mutter, aware that I sound like I don't give a fuck. 

Well, well...Emma is unavailable. A commotion at the door brings me to my feet. A whirl of hair, limbs, and boots dive head first into the cafe. I roll my eyes and repress my natural annoyance at such clumsiness. I hurry over to the girl, who has landed on her hands and knees on the floor. Clasping her slim shoulders, I help her to her feet Clear, bright, embarrassed eyes meet mine and halt me in my tracks. They are the most extraordinary color-guileless, powder. For one awful moment, I think she can see right through me. I feel exposed. The thought is unnerving. She has a small, sweet-face that is blushing now, an innocent rose. I wonder briefly if all her skin is like that-flawless. Fuck. I stop my thoughts, alarmed at their direction. What the fuck are you thinking, Gray? This girl is much too young. She gapes at me, and I almost roll my eyes again. Yeah, yeah, baby, it's just a face, and the beauty is only skin deep. I want to dispel that unguarded, admiring look from those big eyes. Showtime, Gray. Let's have some fun.  

"Emma? I'm Grayson Dolan. Are you all right? Would you like to sit?" 

There's that blush again. In command once more, I study her. She's quite attractive-slight, with a mane of hair barely contained by a hair tie. Yeah, she's attractive. I extend my hand, and she stutters an apology and places her small hand in mine. Her skin is cool and soft, but her handshake surprisingly firm.

Y/N: "Emma is indisposed, so she sent me. I hope you don't mind." 

Her voice is quiet with a hesitant musicality. She blinks erratically, long lashes fluttering over those big eyes. Unable to keep the amusement from my voice as I recall her entrance,  I ask who she is. 

Y/N: "Y/N L/N. I'm roommates with Em, um...Emma." 

She's hideously dressed, hiding her slight frame beneath a shapeless sweater and a brown shirt. Christ, does she have no dress sense at all? She looks nervously around the cafe-everywhere but at me, I note with amused irony. How can this young woman be friends with Emma? She doesn't have an assertive bone is her body. She's all charmingly flustered, meek, mild...submissive. I shake my head, bemused at where my inappropriate thoughts are going. Muttering some platitude, I ask her to sit, then notice her discerning gaze appraising the cafe's paintings. Before I can stop myself, I find I'm explaining them. 

Fifty Shades of Gray - Grayson Dolan ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now