The Beginning Of The End part 1

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Life is short. I learned that the hard way.  You can never be truly be prepared for the end even when you know when it's coming. My name is Kara Wilkinson and I should be like every other 17 year old out there but i'm not. when I was 10 I was diagnosed with cancer, but I today I find out if I am officially cured. I have been healthy for almost 5 years now. My mom said that this will put all of my bad memories behind me, all of those long waits at the hospital and sleepless nights worrying about if I'll ever make it past this will be over in a matter of hours.

"Kara come on honey, we have to go," my mom yells from downstairs. I can hear the nervousness in her voice from up here. I go downstairs and my mom is standing by the door waiting. Its been the two of us for as long as I can remember, my dad left as soon my mom told him she was pregnant. My mom is only 15 years older than me so we've always been close.  My mom's boyfriend is also in the picture but that's a story for a different time. I close behind the door behind me and hop into our car. As we leave I start to think about how i'm gonna celebrate being cancer free, obviously i'll call my boyfriend Chris and tell him the news. Chris and I have been dating for almost two years and I know he's the one, the one i'm meant to be with forever. My next call will be to Alicia, my best friend since fourth grade, we met in the pediatric cancer center in Seattle, her brother and I were there at the same time.  Her brother and I shared a room so we were friends for a while. A week after I was released he died.I guess grief brought us together. She will be so happy to hear the news. We arrive at the hospital after about a hour in the car, I won't miss the car ride here that's for sure.

As we're waiting in the locker room I get a text from Riyaan, the captain of the field hockey team, her text said.

R: Just wanted to ask if you're trying out this season? 

K: Ya definitely I can't wait

R: Tryouts start tomorrow 

K: b there @ 9am

I had totally forgotten about tryouts! After cancer field hockey made me feel happy again, If I play well this season then I might get a scholarship. They don't usually cut seniors so i'm pretty much guaranteed a spot. A voice over the intercom says my name and we head into the exam room. I am used to getting my blood drawn so I don't even flinch anymore. After that we wait.

Dr. Perkins returns 10 minutes later, I can't tell what her emotions are. "I don't want to keep you waiting anymore, so i'll just cut to the chase," she says. My heart starts pounding out of my chest. "there's really no easy way yo say this, I'm afraid the cancer has come back, and there's nothing we can do." My heart drops, she had to be joking. "Given that the cancer is so far along the life expectancy is at maximum one year." I try to speak but nothing comes out. I hear my mom burst into tears. "It will be painless until the very end, probably the last week or so," that didn't change the fact that i'll be gone by senior year.  I start to cry listening to the sound of my mom begging if there's anything that they can do.

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