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the school canteen

"hello hyung! did you sleep well?" jeongin asked while sitting across hyunjin.

"yeah, i'd probably still be sleeping by now if it weren't for you waking me up."

"you see hyung, you can't live without me!" the younger exclaimed with a bright smile and hyunjin could feel his heart pounding hard in his chest.

"i guess i can't." he flashed a small smile in the younger's direction. "well, what did you talk about with chan hyung? i heard he started dating woojin a while ago."

"yes, he did! i'm so happy for them! wish i had someone special like this to call mine too."

"i'm literally sitting in front of you." hyunjin murmured.

"what was that?" jeongin asked with curiosity in his voice.

"nothing, let's eat now! bon apetit~" the older sang and jeongin chuckled lightly. they ate mostly in peace, until the cracchead duo aka felix and jisung showed up by the table.

"waSSUP GAyS" felix shouted and the whole canteen was now looking at him. "what? i'm just greeting my gay friends!" he whisper - shouted.

"shut up felix." jisung commented.

"no u!"

"yo mama-"

"shut up and sit already, both of you." hyunjin said coldly.

after the boys were finally sitting, the war had begun.
by war, i mean the endless meme exchange, that both jeongin and hyunjin hated, and they were pretty sure that all of the other students hated it as well.

"priests were burning witches in the past, now they're just scared of gays." jisung said while taking another bite of his cheescake.

"would you like to get burned like a witch then?"

"why would i? are you insane felix? i still have to ask minho out."

"im pretty sure that he will do it first, but what are dreams for after all-"

"i'd punch you, but you're just to cute innie. lucky bastard."

"call him bastard one more time and i'll burn you alive, just like a priest back in 15th century." hyunjin literally spat venom at this point.

"no need to be so protective of me jinnie!" jeongin chuckled and hyunjin was actually offended.

"no need? this ugly dimwit can't just call you names when i'm around, that's breaking the 17th rule of my life codex."

"why would you even have a rule that's about jeongin only?" asked felix with a smug smirk on his face.

"none of your business, fortnite freak." hyunjin glared at the said boy.

"oh god, sorry."

"you don't seem to be very sorry."

"have you seen ever felix that was actually sorry?" jisung asked jokingly.

"yes, when he slammed the door shut right into changbin's face-"

"shut up, hOe." felix covered hyunjin's mouth with his hand and smiled bitterly. "i didn't do such a thing!"

"but you did, hyung. even chan hyung can recall that moment." jeongin said calmly while tilting his head to the side.

"i hate y'all."

"likewise!" jisung, hyunjin and jeongin said in unison.

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