ROMANCE 2020: Round Two

63 4 10

Make A Wish by incrediblestories2

Plot 10/10
I LOVE THIS STORY! It's unique, loving, beautiful. Everything. I loved everything!

Conventions 10/10
I did not find any errors.

Character Development 9/10
I felt like I could connect with the characters well. Even from early on in the story.

Cover Design & Synopsis 10/10
Perfect! Completely drew me in as a reader!

Originality 10/10
I've never read a story like this before. Very Original!

Feedback 9/10
I will continue reading this FOR SURE!


Jason by dream2529

Plot 7/10
The story moves a little too fast. It feels a little unreal to me.

Conventions 5/10
The format for the dialogue made it confusing to know who was speaking. I found some grammar errors that made it difficult to read through without stopping and re-reading.

Character Development 7/10
The friendships are great, but some physical descriptions would be nice.

Cover Design & Synopsis 10/10
Brilliant! I would not pass up this book if I came across it.

Originality 7/10
I love bad boy stories, this isn't much different. I think it might need a little something different to set it apart from the others.

Feedback 7/10
The format and grammar errors make it a little tough to read through but I would consider reading more.


Until I Find You Again by MY_AMAZING_SELF

Plot 7/10
I am a bit confused with all the characters. I'm not sure I understand where the story is going.

Conventions 8/10
I found some grammar errors. A proofreading would help.

Character Development 8/10
I enjoyed the characters and the banter. In the chapters I read, I didn't see much development.

Cover Design & Synopsis 10/10
Cover and synopsis are perfect!

Originality 8/10
I've only come across a few stories with similar storylines.

Feedback 7/10
I will consider reading more of this story. I really did enjoy the characters.


Love Bug by feufeu15

Plot 7.5/10
I can understand where the story is going.

Conventions 5.5/10
Grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and formatting all need some work. Switching POVs and tenses made this story confusing to read.

Character Development 7/10
I have a good idea about the main characters of the story but the minor characters, who still seem to play a role in the story, lack depth. There's a few characters who all sound the same when the dialogue is read.

Cover Design & Synopsis 7.5/10
The cover is awesome! Caught my attention, although the synopsis had grammar errors.

Originality 8/10
Interesting concept, I've read a few similar stories.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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