We aren't dating and surprises

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Tonks POV
Me and Remus are becoming really good friends. Athena being well Athena makes kissy faces and it's embarrassing.
Remus POV
Me and Tonks are really good friends. Sirius is embarrassing he won't stop making kissy faces. I hate it.
Athenas POV
I ship remadora which is what I call Dora and Remus.
3rd POV
The order was having a meeting and talking about how to get Harry from as Athena calls it a "living hellhole".
Charlie's POV
Athena has been wearing a lot of hoodies lately. Me and Tonks are trying to find out a way to get Athena to say why.
《 The next day 》
Athena's POV
I wake up throw on a tie dye shirt and black jeans. Then went to breakfast and everyone was staring at my arm. I was confused then Ginny asked me what those red marks on my arm are. I froze and had a panic attack. Then all black.
《2 hours later》
3rd POV
Athena woke up and cired. Charlie and Tonks joked she was broken. Athena laughed and explained everything.
~ Flashback \
Athena was sitting in the shower and grabbed a broken piece of glass and cut her arm. She was only 12 and she was broken inside.
~ present ~
Athena was put in a mental hospital. Everyone was surprised but no one more than Charlie and Tonks.

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