Getting Harry and checkouts

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I heard a loud crash so I ran down the stairs. I saw people I knew and didn't.
I hear a knock on the door in the middle of dinner so I run to get and it's Athena. We walked to the kitchen and everyone who knew her hugged her. Except Charlie he picked her up.
I run and pick Athena. I start to tear up and hug her and scream she's ok.
Charlie screams in my ear. " You busted my hearing hole." I say.
I laugh as Athena makes a sassy comment.
Harry's POV
A short girl walk in the kitchen. Tells Charlie he busted her hearing hole.  She is nice so far.
" My name is Athena Edwards and I'm part of the order and I just got checked out of the underworld but on the planet."  Athena says quickly.  "ATHENA!" Molly screams.  Charlie takes Athena's bags to her room. 
With Athena and Charlie
"Athena?"  "Yeah?"  "Why did you hurt yourself?"  "I did it because I have P.T.S.D anxiety A.D.D and clinical depression."  "I didn't know. Sorry."  "It's ok!"  "Athena will you go on a date with me?"  "I'd love to. Wait did you just ask me out?"  " Does this answer your question?"  Then they kiss pasntily.
"What are taking them so long?" Ask Sirius.  "I don't know.  I'll go check."  Tonks says, getting up.  Tonks runs up the stairs and enters Athena's room.  "Hem hem."  Athena and Charlie jump apart.  "Ummm......" Charlie says. "Please don't say any more Charlie"  Athena says.  "Spill it"  Tonks says.  "NOPE! Bye!"  Athena says.  Athena and Charlie runs down stairs.  Tonks follows them.  "What took you two so long?"  Bill questions.  "Don't even."  Athena says.  "Will I saw them......."  Tonks says. "Don't say anything!  I'm begging"  Athena says.  "Kissing." Tonks finishes.  "They don't get along." Sirius says.  "I know" Ginny says.  "Nope! I'm leaving now."  Athena says.  "No you aren't."  Bill says.  Tonks craps her arm.  "Why not?" Athena questions.  "Because you are my adopted sister and and I want an answer."  Tonks says.  "I just tell him why I cut and just guess my feelings came up."  "Wait. You cut?"  Harry says.  "Yes. Nym why did you tell them we were kissing?" Athena say. "You have feelings?" Kingsley asks.  "Yes I have feelings."  Athena says.  "Came up? Girl you sing in your sleep. Literally you do. I heard you sing a bunch of song's in your sleep and sometimes you sing your homework and other stuff in sleep."  Tonks laughs.  " I do not." Athena says rolling her eyes.  "I have recordings here's one."

"I'm officially gonna tape my mouth when I sleep." Athena says.

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