the awakening of deep emotions

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sherlock and barok lay in bed with each other. sherlock was reading a book while barok on the other hand was asleep. it was until late when sherlock felt the mattress shift beside him, what came along with the shifting were low groans from barok. sherlock speculated that he was having a dream but it seemed it wasn't of the nice type. sherlock noticed this and got a bit of a shock.

barok: mmmh.. i.. n.. no.. please.. i.. -!!

barok woke with a jolt. sherlock put his book down on the locker beside him and put his hand on barok's shoulder.

sherlock: my dear! is everything alright? were you having a bad dream?

barok panted, he felt as if he was about to explode. he tried to calm himself down and put up a 'calm' façade to assure that he was 'fine'.

barok: y.. yes. i'm quite a-alright. just a bit shocked is all. thank you for your concern.

sherlock didn't see past his façade, he knew something was up with his lover, and he wanted to help him feel better.

sherlock: dear reaper, i dont think you are okay, care to tell me what's gotten you down?

since he was in a horrible state, barok felt his eyes glisten and flood up, to which he only bowed his head gently to hide his sadness. what kind of a man would cry? barok found that showing negative emotions such as sadness was a weakness so he hid behind a cold glare and stoic personality. if it weren't for sherlock, he would've maintained his expressionless face. but this? this felt like after all those years of bottling up his sadness coming back to bite him.

despite his throat ached as the lump in his throat only seemed to grow exponentially, barok managed to keep his cool. but if he were to look up, you could see tears flooding up at the corners of his eyes.

sherlock: are.. are you sure you're alright? you're looking down and upset by the looks of your body posture..

barok said nothing. he thought that if he spoke another word, it would result in his voice croaking out. but sherlock gently grabbed his chin to reveal his red face and teary eyes, one tear streamed down his face. sherlock's eyes widened up but that was soon ended by engulfing barok in a tight hug.

sherlock: so i'm guessing it was a bad dream, hm? it's okay,, you don't have to tell me about it,, i dont want you to remember the events and get more upset,,

sherlock gently pushed barok's head into his chest, nuzzling against his oversized, cotton shirt, barok felt the tears flowing at a much more rapid rate than before. and before he knew it, his body was racked up in sobs. he was still aware that he could be heard so he tried to keep his sobs and hiccups to a minimum. although he hugged sherlock tightly, to which the hug was returned to him by his lover, which were accompanied by rubs on his back and gentle strokes of his hair.

barok sniffled as sherlock held barok close. he tilted his chin to face him and wiped his tears away, kissing his cheeks and gave his lips what have may been the most softest kiss in history. barok felt a bit better by sherlock's affection, but not entirely. he was extremely exhausted after the breakdown he experienced and rested his eyes ever so slightly while held close to sherlock.

barok: do you really think that??

sherlock: but of course, my dear! everyone needs to let it all out by venting! and i think you've been bottling up your real emotions for quite a while,, i can tell by your eyes,, they looked so dull,,, but now,,, i can see the pretty blue eyes that i've love with every fibre of my being,,,

then, sherlock witnessed something amazing. he saw his boyfriend smile. since he was a serious person, he wasn't one to smile. but now, this was one of the most genuine smiles sherlock has seen. and by god was it beautiful.

sherlock: you know dear reaper, you should smile more often. it suits you,,,

barok blushed a faint tint of pink and smiled more, he appreciated the compliment and would definitely smile more- well, only around sherlock. no one was to know of this sifter side to barok. if wird got out about it, barok would never hear the end of it.

barok yawned, all that crying can get you sleepy, especially if it was pent up for such a long time. sherlock must have heard the yawn because he lay down, making sure that barok's head was cozy on his chest.

sherlock: it's getting late, and i can sense your exhaustion,, i think it'd be best if we slept,,

this was answered with a muffled "mhmm", meaning "okayyy". sherlock turned off the lamp light and pulled cuddled barok gently but firmly.

sherlock: i promise to protect you while you sleep,, i will make sure you're comfortable and happy, after all,, you have been nothing but the best,,, anyways,, with that being said, i love you, barok,,,

then sherlock kissed barok's head. still holding him close, protecting him, he fell asleep. as for barok on the other hand.. he fell asleep a long time ago, all because of sherlock's gentleness and affection. but this time, barok fell asleep with a smile plastered on his face. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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