The Nightmare

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"Here are our seats", said Rohan pointing out to the rows of seats, when everyone boarded the train. Soon everyone took their seats and settled their luggages. Kavya checked her phone, it was 6:50 a.m., she was surprised because the train was on time. They didn't take a flight because they wouldn't have got the chance to enjoy their journey. Kavya got a window seat and was pleased to have it. Near Kavya sat Nitu. The train started moving and everyone started discussing their plans with each other. They all were busy in their gossips, but Kavya, she sat quietly looking out of the window. Nitu nudged her and said, "What on earth has happened to you? You know your face gives such a reaction that it's like you've seen a ghost or something". Kavya turned to Nitu and told her about her nightmare. This wasn't the first time she had this nightmare, she had been having these nightmares ever since her parents died in a plane crash. Nitu sighed and said, "I don't know when will you get rid of them. You know I think you should stop thinking about their deaths and please stop cursing yourself, whatever had nothing to do with you".  To this Kavya said, "I regret getting mad at them just because they didn't take me along to my grandma's funeral, they even apologized, but I hung up on an angry note and screamed at them to never ever return back to me." She went upset again and turned to the window. Seeing this, Rohan announced that they're going to play a game, which was to share an interesting story related to their train journeys and named it as "A tale on the Track". Everyone got excited except Kavya, she refused to play, when Rohan demanded the reason behind not playing the game, Kavya said she had a headache. Everyone knew that she was faking it and Rohan was about to say something, when Nitu Interrupted and said,"Guys, it's not a big deal. Let her rest for a while and she would join us later, right Kavya?", Kavya nodded and told Nitu she wanted to take a nap and rested her head on Nitu's shoulder for support. Nitu said,"Before you go to sleep, make sure to not to sleep too much, you will miss the fun, girl". Kavya nodded and soon drifted off to sleep.

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