I Love Her

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(Mark) after Lucy got kippnaped i wanted to be cloes to her she was at the station and i went to go and look for her i new that she would be with Strahm and Perez and she was. I knocked on the office door and perez did a hand signal to come in i walked in. Lucy can i talk to you please like outside.

(Lucy) sure i said and smiled ill be right back i said to peter and lindsey i walked outside the door with mark. What's up mark i said

(Mark) i just want to make sure that you are ok like fron what happened tonight i said and put my hands on both of her sides

(Lucy) i smiled when he put his hands on my sides im good i said but thank you anyway i said and lend. Up and. Kissed his cheek which made him blush i smile and giggle.

(Mark) when she kissed me on the cheek i had butterflies in my stomach and wanted more i smile right but. I... I.... I i think that someone should stay with you tonight though i said

(Lucy) you mean you right i said and he nodded i smile even more thats really sweet of you i said sure you can stay at my place you can have  my bed and. I'll have the sofa bed

(Mark) no ill sleep downstairs ok I'm not kicking you out of your room. I said and she said ok i smile ok good ill go and get my stuff ill tell Mathew's that im going i said and she hug me i hug her back and kissed her on the cheek and went to my office.

(Lucy) when mark left i went back into peter and lindsey's office i had a big smile on my face and peter looked at me whats the matter with you he asked. Nothing marks coming over and staying with me tonight

(lindsey) at your house i said and smile and peter awww

(Peter) thats not awww ok you need to stop being and getting cloes with him lucy his falling for you and your falling for him thats  bad ok you know if he found out who you are he. Will hate you i said

(lindsey) don't be mean. Peter i said and slapped him ok he might not hate her and its not her fault that.

(Mark) i was putting my file away and packing a knock on my door made me look it was Eric whats up i said

(Eric) nothing going home i said

(Mark) no well not really im spending the night with Lucy making sure she's ok from what happened tonight.

(Eric) right i said you love her don't you. Everyone can see that
Why don't you tell her you can see that she feels the same has anything happened between you to i asked

(Mark) i nodded yes we kissed (its in my other story) and i didn't know if it meant anything to her i said and lucy popped her head around the door

(Lucy) im ready now i said and smile i looked at Eric and he smiled at me and hug me. Ill see you tomorrow he said yes night. I smile as he left me and mark alone ready  I said

(Mark) ready i said and walked out  of my office and locked the door i took her hand in mine and we went to hers for the night.

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