7: Eating with him

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Kenny POV

I can't believe the VP made me talk to the school counselor, I mean I would have rather taken the detention over that. It was awful. Two and a half hours of mind numbing questions and talking. I can't fucking stand it. What I can't get off my mind is how Kyle blamed Butters for doing that, he's the sweetest most kind hearted person I've met. He would never do something like that! T hff at fucking scumbag got off easy for calling Butters out like that. The icing on the cake is that I'm 10 minutes late to lunch. When I get to the cafeteria I see Tweak panicking and Craig is trying to calm him down, Clyde is on his phone while he's eating his burger, and Token has his hand around Butter's waist. A little jealous I walk over and take a seat next to Butters, wrapping my arm around his neck. Token takes his hand off of Butters (with the help of mine) and gives me a confused look. It looks like Token was working on math homework with Butters. "Is everything ok Kenny?" Butters stairs up at me with these baby blue, puppy dog eyes and I can't help but blush. He gives me a little smile and that's all it took for me to start getting aroused. I quickly break eye contact and reach into my bag to grab the sandwich that I had packed for myself. My lunch consisted of stale bread and out of date mustard. Craig nearly gags at the smell of it and as I'm about to take a bite I'm stopped by Butters left hand. "I'm not letting you eat something like that. Take my lunch Kenny, I'm not very hungry anyways." Butters promptly throws my lunch away and I thank him for being so generous. "You know if you need me to I can bring food from my shop." Tweek offers. Craig gets jealous and retaliates his offer. "Why don't you bring me food babe?" "Because you don't have a big sweet tooth, plus you never ask for it." Craig giggles and pulls Tweek into his arms. Butters starts pulling what might as well be half of his pantry out of his back pack and puts hit onto the table. "Butters, I can't take all this food." I say with a giggle. "Well if you want to we can share." He responds. As we begin to eat our buffet Token glances at us and scoffs at Butters. "Oh sorry Token!" Butters holds his cookie in his mouth and swiftly gets back to his math homework, taking a bit every so often and using the wrapper to hold his food. I spend the rest of my lunch breaking scarfing down snacks and watching Butters do his homework. I know watching him might sound creepy but I'm pretty sure he enjoys it. He smells like flowers, I think he used women's shampoo this morning or something. Man he is just too cute and innocent. I kinda wanna take that innocence away if you know what I mean hahaha. Man I'm a horn dog, I just wanna take him out to a pond or something and slow dance in the dark. I really like this guy. The bell breaks my train of thought and me and Butters are walking to our classes and when we near his door he tells me how nervous he is for his unit test. Gently grab his chin and pull him in for a soft kiss. He pulls away gently and is beat red. He giggles a little bit and I give him a slight grin. I spend the entirety of my class daydreaming about Butters. I don't care if I fail, I love him

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