11: Our first kiss

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Butters POV

I was awakened suddenly by rapid footsteps, which were soon followed by the squeaking of a bedroom door. I knew it was Kenny due to the lack of warmth and empty feeling of the mattress. I hoisted my body up after I was startled by a loud sneeze, drool escaping my lip briefly before I wiped it using my sleeve. "K-Kenny?" I mumbled still half asleep. "Fuck!" He shouted in response as he snapped his body to look at me. "Oh, sorry Butters you scared the shit out of me. Did I wake you up?" "Mmmm... yeah, but it's ok." I murmured before letting my head sink back into the pillow. "What were you doing out of bed? Isn't it late?" "Oh, haha sorry Butters. I was uh... well being honest I went out to smoke a bit of grass since I couldn't sleep. You don't smoke do you?" I looked over at him with a confused glare, but before I could speak he had assured me that he was only joking. He slid out of his clothes and stripped down to his boxers, taking his place next to me on the mattress. He shifted and scooched himself closer to me, letting his body mold against my own. "Is the mattress comfy?" He mumbled. "Yeah, it's ok." I responded. "That's good, I was worried you weren't gonna sleep well but I'm glad to hear that you're comfortable." "Don't worry Kenny, I'm more than comfortable, especially with you here..." I trailed off, realizing the words that had come out of my mouth. Kenny giggled and my face lit up with embarrassment. "Look at you being all confident, you're gonna kill me with all that cute stuff." I could feel him shifting behind me to prop himself up on the pillow. I lifted my head to look back at him, he smiled at me with a cheeky grin that forced my own smile to show itself. "Sorry. Hehe." I chuckled hoping to get a reaction out of him. He sighed and brought his hand to rest on my right cheek. "I really mean it when I say you're adorable, Butters. I don't know what I'd do without you." My blush (which had faded slightly) returned again only this time accompanied by goosebumps and a strange feeling in my stomach. My body experienced this strange compulsive urge to kiss him, a surge of blood flow and hormones. I resisted giving into the feeling but... as if Kenny was a mind reader he pulled me into a tender kiss. Years of sexual tension slowly released as I hungrily gave into his lips, our tongues dancing with a passion never witnessed before. I pulled away from him to catch my breath, a strand of saliva still connecting our mouths to one another before breaking and falling against my chin. All I could do was giggle, I felt like clay in his hands.

A few minutes passed, I found myself cuddled against him with his arm around my waist and his chin pressed against the back of my head. Kenny fell asleep rather quickly but I found myself wired, all that occupied my mind was the situation I found myself in a few minutes prior yet it was as if the neurons that held the memory were made of uranium. I'm so happy. I love Kenny so much.

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