•so this mainly a lot of arguing and stuff so
•sorry for mistakes I'm too lazy to edit my stories 😔
•also this first part I cant remember very well, but Joseph and Caesar literally almost knocked this old guy's shit in the manga 🗿
•I didn't realized how far I was writing so :'
•this is the "what the fuck part 1" chapter MY MIND WENT WILD IM SO SORRY
•yes or no?
•youll see why I ask that once you read it.

    Joseph carried Josar while they were looking for the RedStone. Caesar headed to the post office with them. "Excuse me, signore." Caesar waved at the man behind the counter. "I have a question for you." Him and Joseph walked up to the counter. "We were wondering if a package from Air Supplena was recently sent here? We don't know where it's going." He asked. The man looked up at the them. "I'm afraid I can't say." The man replied, pushing up his tiny glasses. "Oh, come on, Mr. Mailman! It came in this morning!" Joseph said. "There's a jewel in it! Come on!" He whined.  Josar looked over the counter as Joseph pointed. "It's there! In there, in there!" Joseph pointed. "It can't be shipped out! Give us the package!" The man poked Joseph's finger with his pen. "Ouchie!" Joseph recoiled his hand. "Please keep your hands away from this side of the counter. Joseph grumbled. "You startin' somethin'?!" Caesar looked at them, unimpressed. The man sighed. "Pardon me, but..You really think I can just give something that been mailed out, back to you?!" He retorted. "And you don't know where it's going? What are you trying to pull?!" Caesar butted in this time. "That's exactly why we're concerned! We'll have lost complete track of it once it leaves Venice!" "Quit being mean, old man!" Joseph groaned. "Mean? Mean?! I'm being mean? This is the law we're talking about! You idiots!" He slammed a hand in the counter. Josar had gotten an idea and perked up. "I-Idiots?" He looked like he was about to cry. Caesar looked at Josar and went to take him off of Joseph. "No, no, he's not talking about you." He assured, petting his head. The man bit his tongue, he had forgotten about the child there. Joseph turned at him with a sharp glare. "Look at what you did! You made him cry!" Joseph rose his hand. "WHOA, Y-YOU'RE GONNA HIT ME?" The man leaned back shielding his face. A couple of people working in the back looked at them. Joseph immediately moved his hand to a salute.

"Oh, no! I'm just giving you the old postal worker salute! Keep up the good work!"

He heard Josar giggle a bit.

  Caesar pulled out an envelope. "Here! We have a clue. All of the envelopes LisaLisa has have this emblem printed on them." He said, showing him the envelope with one of his hands.  "You don't seem to get it, are you short on a few marbles? I'm afraid-" He was cut off by his own scream after seeing Joseph lean towards him again. Joseph recoiled back. "Boy, oh, boy' my head sure is itchy! Josar did you but bugs in my hair? I really need to make sure to shampoo this bad boy later!" Joseph laughed, scratching his head. Josar was full on laughing. "There's something wrong with these guys! H-Hey! Call the police!" He called to the workers in the back. "What now? The police?" Caesar looked at him. "Aw man, you're calling the cops?" Joseph asked. Caesar glared at him. "I do apologize, but we will be taking that package with the RedStone in it, no matter what." Caesar stated. "The law exists for the people, and the one that package is addressed to isn't human." Caesar said, placing Josar down in the ground. Caesar and Joseph both hopped up on the counter. "So even if we have to break the law to do it, we will be taking it back!" The two of the started to go on a rampage, and Josar ran off behind the counter.

"Jojo, Caesar!"

  The door slammed open to see Messina. "I know where the package is going!" He said, causing the two to look at him in shock. "What?!" "After Suzie Q woke up, LisaLisa used her Hamon hypnosis ability to fine the address from her subconscious. She even found out the house number!" Messina explained, while Caesar hopped off the counter. "The package is being sent to Switzerland, however the cargo train departed minutes ago!" "Switzerland?!" Caesar gasped. Messina nodded. "We are going after the train! LisaLisa is here too!" "Dammit, gramps!" Joseph pulled on the man by the collar. He huffed then dropped him and then hopped off the counter. Caesar looked around for Josar. "Josar?" Caesar looked around again, double checking. "JOSAR!" Caesar panicked, stopping Joseph. "He's gone! Jojo, he's gone!" Joseph looked at him. "LisaLisa is outside, maybe he's out here!" Joseph said, going outside.

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