• omg hi I'm sorry I'm so tired andnnsnsnsxjx😔
•Uhh I know it's been awhile haha 😰
• emjoyyy and yes i know there is probably mistakes but I don't care because mistakes are funny😡
•also if it wasn't obvious enough on how I hate that wamuu fight in the anime, it'll be shown here because it was so borringggg to typesejsndnd
•honestly could care less about Joseph's speech at the end, it's about Caesar dying and Uh silly Joseph he isn't dead🙄👊

"Ooo, do you see what papa is doing, padre?"

"Yes, Josar! He is wasting time! He needs to get in the carriage! Jojo!"

       Josar pouted, crossing his arms as he sat on Caesar's shoulders. Joseph hopped in the carriage last minute, getting ready to go. When the moon emerged from behind the cloud, Joseph took off. Wamuu, on the other hand, was stuck. Caesar looked over at Wamuu, realizing what Joseph had done.

He piled up rocks under the wheels of the carriage.

    Caesar grinned. "That's what you were talking about?" He looked up at Josar. "Yeah! He piled rocks under his wheels so he wouldn't go!" He said, watching Joseph get the hammer. "Papa, did it! He got the hammer!" Josar smiled brightly. Caesar looked back at Joseph, watching the hammer slip but Joseph got it and held it in both hands. He let out a sigh of relief.

"Wamuu..he has a plan."

    He heard Kars chuckle, which made him a little nervous. "Wamuu is slowing down!" LisaLisa said, looking at Wamuu, then Joseph. "It isn't a race. They are fighting to the death." Kars said, grinning. Caesar just blocked out what he said, continuing to watch Joseph. He couldn't be nervous or get scared for Joseph, he didn't want to show weakness. He noticed Wamuu had picked up the pillar, instead of getting a weapon. He was shocked. "Jojo!"

     Joseph grunted as he landed on the ground after jumping off the carriage to not get hit by the pillar. He groaned, sitting up. "Where's the hammer?!" He looked around for it, panicking a little bit. Wamuu was coming, and he was defenseless. He spotted the hammer and grabbed it. He slammed the hammer down on the yoke between the horses. He used this to throw himself up in the sky. He landed on one of the horses, chuckling. "Now time for that big hammer whack you've worked so hard to earn." Joseph grinned, then gasped. He noticed Wamuu had vanished. He felt a hand grab his foot, looking down, he seen Wamuu's hand. He was inside of the horse! Joseph moved off of his shoe, jumping onto the other horse. "I've got luck on my side!" Joseph said, starting to cover the hammer in oil. He jumped up, raising the hammer as it was surging with hamon. He went to hit it but Wamuu moved himself out of the horse.

    "Papa!" Josar yelled, going near the edge. Caesar immediately grabbed him pulling him close to him. "Don't look, don't look, it's okay.." He said, not even sure if it actually was okay or not. "He is fine..I-I..I promise.." He whispered. Caesar looked over at Kars, who had sat down getting a glass of blood in his hand. He was pissed at how relaxed he is. LisaLisa had been talking to Kars.

Honestly if Caesar wouldnt of known anything about Kars, or hell, even known better, they seemed like an odd perfect couple in a way. It was awful to think about, especially right now. He shook his head, slightly gagging.

    Caesar seen a vampire go up to him, pointing at something. He looked over at what he was pointing at and gasped. He seen Wamuu's arms were close to falling off. The glass fell from Kars's hand.

  "Papa! You were right, Padre! He is okay!" Josar giggled happily, pointing at the somehow uninjured Joseph. Caesar let out a sigh of relief, looking down at Joseph. "Bring out the new set of weapons!" Kars moved his arms into an x shape, using his light ability and then sat back down. A few minutes passed by and suddenly the vampires had started to scream. "No, Lord Wamuu!" Caesar looked over at what had happened. Wamuu had pulled out his eyes! "W-Why did he pull out his eyes, Padre! He can't see!" Josar looked at Caesar, who just gave a tiny, worried shrug. "I don't know. This battle just gets crazier.." He mumbled.

  All of this commotion with the yelling and being worried even more for Joseph started to give Caesar a headache, either that or it's his body in pain again. He seen Joseph fall off the horse and Wamuu's carrige headed straight towards him. He was panicking even more. "Jojo!" He yelled. "Get up you idiot!" He seen him get up, but fall back down. "Come on!" Caesar felt tears in his eyes a little.

Though, Joseph was still moving, he was acting in a very horrible way. Caesar figured it had to be a joke! He couldn't just be throwing rocks at some godly vampire like that.

  After a little bit of fighting, Wamuu had Joseph pinned to the wall by the fire. Caesar and Josar were worried. Caesar was trying his best to find a strategy for Joseph after throwing oil didn't work but what was he to do? He couldn't tell him it or Wamuu would know. He soon realized an idea, an idea he disliked, but it would help Joseph out.

My headband. Please, Jojo. Use that big head of yours and just take it off.

Caesar seen Joseph, he must of gotten the same idea. He took off the headband after it was caught on fire.

"Let me tell you  *exactly* when you lost."

  Joseph looked up at him. "It was when I threw Caesar's headband." Wamuu seemed to have been caught off guard. He explained that the oil inside is now vaporizing, and that little pieces of the headband that's on fire were being sucked into him.

And in a decent size explosion, there went Wamuu. Left as nothing but a head.

  Caesar smiled a bit from Joseph being victorious. He took Josar, quickly running down to Joseph. "Jojo!" He ran over to hug him. Josar was behind him, hugging him too. "You were so cool, Papa! You know? When you did this! And then he went boom!" Josar explained, even demonstrating it out. "Yes, you were very amazing out there." Caesar looked up at him. Joseph laughed, a bit cockily. "Why I know I am! Thank you for pointing it out!" Joseph grinned. He looked over at Caesar. "I-uh..I'm sorry about your headband.." He apologized. "Don't worry about it! It's per-" He started to cough, holding onto Joseph tightly. Joseph and Josar started to panic. "Caesar? Caesar are you okay?" He asked. Caesar gave a small nod. "I'm fine..don't worry..I just need some rest.." He replied. "I just moved too fast." Joseph gave a small nod. "Why don't you get on my back and I can carry you!" He offered and Caesar was almost immediately about to decline because he wasn't going to be embarrass himself like that, but laying on his back sounded kind of nice.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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