4 - Music Class

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Three days of school had passed by, and Jungkook was already sick. He shared a class with Jimin, and Taehyung. He also recognized Hoseok in one of his classes. They were all that bad. Until we get to last period.

Let's back track to the first day of classes shall we? The first day of music.

Three days earlier

Jungkook was so over school. He was excited though. This was his last class of the day, and then he'd finally be able to go back to his dorm, and sleep the rest of the day away.
His last class was one he had chosen for himself. Music. The teacher being Mr. Bang. Oh, and he would've been so excited for it too if it hadn't been for-
"Kookie!" Jimin yells as the bunny boy walks into the classroom. "I can't believe you're here too!"
Of course he shared another class with Jimin. By luck, Hoseok and Taehyung were there too.
"Hey Jungkook. Long time no see." Hoseok says, taking out his hand to take Jungkook's.
"But, I saw you yesterday? At the sign up table?" Hoseok laughs, and shakes his hand.
"Yeah. But that was a LONG time ago. The school day today was especially long. Don't you think?"
Jungkook liked Hoseok. He was calm, collected, and kind. He didn't intrude Jungkook's personal space, and he just seemed to...brighten the room.

Little did the boy know what would come when the two finally became closer friends. But let's ignore that for now. Because there was also something Jungkook notices as his eyes scan the room.

"Is that.... Yoongi?" Jungkook asks. He points at the pale boy sitting alone, clearly separate from the the rest of the class. He was listening to music.
Hoseok gasps, and goes to get him. And that's when Jungkook's heart leaps. The poor boy still thought Yoongi hated him.
"Yoongi hyung! I didn't know you'd be in this class! Why didn't you tell me." Hoseok yells, crossing his arms at the older. Yoongi shyly looks up at Hoseok, and shrugs. "You never asked." The younger rolls his eyes, and grabs Yoongi's hand, pulling him to the others. "Whatever. Come with me. I have some friends I want you to meet."
As Yoongi came closer and closer to the group, Jungkook could feel the older's glaring eyes on him.
"Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, this is Min Yoongi, my best friend who also happens to be the son of Snow White."

"Hoseok, I thought I was your best friend!" Another boy intrudes the group. With his brown hair, and undeniable round rimmed glasses, and uptight posture, Jungkook could recognize the boy anywhere.
"Namjoon! You're here too?" Hoseok gasps again in shock. Jungkook was staring to believe Hoseok wasn't the calm and collective one in the group.
"Yeah. That's cool. Hey hyung." Namjoon waves to Yoongi, who sends a silent wave back.
     Jungkook was familiar with these types of students. Goodie two shoes. The boy was very smart, not to mentioned beautiful, like his mother.
     "Well howdy to you guys, I'm Namjoon." He kindly waves at the group of boys, and suddenly Taehyung starts getting excited.
     "I knew it! I knew we'd make such cool friends Jiminie!" Taehyung gushes, running to shake hands with Namjoon. Jimin simply smiles and waves at the boy.
     "Hey is that... Jin hyung?" Yoongi says quietly, tugging on Hoseok's sweater. Looking off to find the boy Yoongi's talking about, Hoseok once again gets excited.
     "We're all here! Aren't we?" Hoseok yells, now dragging Jin over. Another wave of introduction rolls by.
     "Wow. Isn't this cool? We're like some gang now!" Taehyung says, looking at the boys in awe.
     "Don't say that Taehyungie. We're just like... a good group of friends." Jimin explains.
     The group laughs off what Taehyung says, and finally after what seems like forever, the bell rings, and class starts.

"Alright class! I'm Mr. Bang. It's nice to meet all of you." The man stood tall, which made him look rather professional. After doing attendance, he moved on to the activity.
"Alright. Here's the deal." There's a sudden change in tone in his voice. The whole class could tell. "The administration has decided to make me head of the music department. So this class may not be the one you were thinking when you signed up for it. This year, I have a different plan."
     Music class was supposed to be random. They'd be learning different instruments, playing around with singing, and maybe even writing some. Jungkook wondered what the teacher had in mind. Was he going to have to drop out?
     "For those of you that don't know, YG High is our biggest competitor in school rankings this year. I proposed an idea to the school board for making our school a little more popular."
     The class was silent as he presented the idea. No one had a clue what he was thinking.
     "I'll be splitting up the class into groups. Each group will come up with a musical performance for the end of the year performance." The class sighed. But he wasn't done yet. "The best performance will receive a prize from the staff."
Now this got their attention. High schoolers loved prizes right? Sure let's say that. Moving on. The groups, oh the groups.

     "Who would've thought that we'd all be put into a group together?" Hoseok says, smiling.
     Taehyung was ecstatic. Literally, you could probably see fireworks in his eyes. Jimin was exactly the same.
     As for Namjoon and Jin, the two were smiling, not seeming to hate the idea, but not completely loving it either.
     And Jungkook and Yoongi?

    Oh goodness.

    "Can I change groups?" Yoongi asks everyone.

    "Oh c'mon hyung! Don't be such a sourpuss." Hoseok complains. Yoongi rolls his eyes.
    "You guys are so loud though."

    "I agree." Jungkook says. "Y'all are all sorts of loud."

    Hoseok looks at the two very closely and comes to his final verdict. Clapping his hands together he smiles.
   "I will force you two to hang out until you become friends!"

Was Jung Hoseok crazy?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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