Adiós Miami, Hasta Luego

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Erica:   (Am slowly drifting out of sleep as morning is here and as the previous night’s action… or lack of it… with Ri begins to come to mind, I look next to me in my bed and Ri is not there. I hear water running in the bathroom so I know she is still here and taking a shower. Shortly after, she comes out of the bathroom and I just watch her as she wipes herself down with a towel… without her knowing am watching her. She looks good… too bad what happened last night was only one-sided… but either way, maybe I can make it up to her…)   Hey you!

Ri:        Yikes, Erica! (startled) … I didn’t know you’re awake!  How long have you been up?

Erica:   Long enough… (looking at her naked body up and down with longing)

Ri:        (Smiling) What E? Why the look? (I do know that look very well)

Erica:   Well, I was just thinking that I could return the favor! (smiling back)

Ri:        What favor?  (I know what she’s talking about but I’ll play the fool)

Erica:   Well, I just thought what happened last night that… ahh… (was she really asleep last night doing what she did to me?)… I could… ahh… (she does seem clueless) …never mind! What time is it, anyway?

Ri:        It’s about … 7:10am

Erica:   What! I better go wake King up!

Ri:        He’s already awake. He came to wake you up earlier but because you were still sound asleep we agreed to let you sleep another 20 minutes before we wake you

Erica:   Look at you… conspiring with my son (amused)

Ri:        He’s a good kid, you should be proud

Erica:   I am… every day!

Ri:       Well, I better let you get on with your day (all dressed up now I pick up my overnight bag)

Erica:   So will I see you later? (maybe we can finish what we started yesterday at her place)

Ri:       I doubt it… I have to go to Houston to see my mom. I got a text from my sister that she’s a bit under the weather so I just wanna go spend some time with her for a couple of days

Erica:   Oh, no! Sorry to hear that.  Hope it's nothing serious and she feels better soon. Tell her I said hi. So, I guess I’ll see you back in New York then? (slightly bummed)

Ri:      Yap, I guess so. OK, gotta go! Enjoy the rest of your stay… (walking over to the bed to give her a quick hug but she pulls me in for a kiss)  What’s that for? (pulling away after the kiss. Am falling for this woman but I can’t dare tell her - not yet anyway)

Erica:   Just my way of saying thanks… for last night… for… ahh… you know… for picking me up from the airport, for bringing me home… just for everything, you know! You’re a good friend (Ri may not have been awake last night but the least I can give her is a thank you kiss for doing what she did)

Ri:     You’re welcome (Friend? Am beginning to dislike this word).  Am sure you would have done the same for me. Take care! (I hastily leave her room before my feelings for her show on my face because I do wish I was more than a friend to her. But I need to figure out who she was talking to last night on the phone and what their deal is)

Erica:   Bye Ri (as I watch her leave I notice her reaction and momentarily wonder if she is catching feelings for me. I hope not because that’s not part of our arrangement)

Knowing my task at hand, I get out of bed, take a quick shower, dress and go downstairs to get breakfast ready for King. But to my pleasant surprise I find him seated in his chair already having some cereal with some pancakes on the side

Erica:   Morning kiddo! (kissing him on his forehead)  I see you have already started on breakfast

King:    Mmhmm. I have some pancakes too

Erica:   So I see. Did Nana make those?

King:    No, ‘Aunt’ Ri did… but she left already

Erica:   Ain’t that nice of her. I should thank her for cooking for my King (that’s sweet of Ri…)

King:    I already did, Mama (chiming in excited)

Erica:   Why, thank you, son! Mama still has to call her later and thank her. Now finish up, brush your teeth and get ready for school. I’ll pack some of the remaining pancakes and an apple you take with you to school

King:    Ok, Mama… Oh, and Mama, I like ‘Aunt’ Ri. She’s nice…

Erica:   I like her too.  She sure is nice but… I wonder…(I mumble to myself as King runs upstairs to go get ready for school. Should I have a conversation with Ri?)

That aside, the rest of my stay in Miami goes well. I was waking up early every day, having breakfast with my son and taking him to school. I was picking him up later and we go have ice cream or have an early dinner out or just take walks by the beach and bond with him, before heading back home for the usual evening routine. The in-between hours I was hanging out with Mama and catching up with some of my old friends and family members in Miami.

Despite having a busy schedule, every day I was making a point of texting or calling Cyn just to check in with her. I have been thinking that when I get back I have to tell her that I have a son. I don’t know how much longer I can keep him a secret… or if there is reason to keep him a secret. After all, Cyn and I are friends… and I can let her into my life a little bit more and hopefully it will bring us even closer.

Albee has also been calling me up constantly saying I have some gigs and shoots lined up for the next couple of weeks, but while in Miami, I only want it to be about spending time with my family.

It’s Sunday and am heading back to New York tonight. King is not thrilled that am leaving but after spending the whole day together and promising him that he’ll come visit me once schools close, brightens up his day and he can’t stop talking about what he wants to do when he jets into New York. My cab soon arrives and I say bye to Mama and a teary-eyed King, who also makes me tear as I hug and kiss him goodbye, and enter the cab and wave back at them as we drive off to the airport.

It’s after midnight when I reach New York, and Albee has picked me up from the airport and is just talking non-stop about work, and what he’s been up to, and who he has hooked up with, and I just want to tell him to shut up. My thoughts are all jumbled up, thinking about my son and the wonderful week I have had with him, and also thinking about Cyn now that am back in New York, wishing I could see her tonight.

Finally, Albee drops me home and we plan to hook up later in the week. I know I need some time to relax and prepare for the work lined up in coming weeks ahead, but silently am hoping that Cyn and I can meet up later today. I have missed seeing her cute face and her cute smile, and how her face lights up when she laughs. I have missed her and how the very sight of her brightens up my day.

Yes, in more ways than one, I am glad to be back in N Y C!

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