chapter 4

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Merci was experiencing what you could never have experienced from Pottery shards and ruins. As she begins to walk through the streets of this beautiful city she asked herself'' if this was possible?'' This city existed 5000 years ago, yet here she was. Merci proceeded forward even though the hair on the back of her neck stood up. The mirage before her made her question her sanity. She could clearly see the temple of Enlil, as it was being completed as if she were viewing it from somewhere else. Merci looked around as she stepped into the temple, and was taken aback by its beauty, the golden statues that towered above made her feel so minuscule. The smell of frankincense and myrrh entered her nostrils allowing her to, for a moment enjoy the journey. Relaxing her mind and her body, as she left it behind.

When Merci woke up her mother was standing there asking her if she was okay. Merci thought how awesome that experience had been. she felt like she was really there instead this time she was awake, but how had she got into her bed? ''okay you're losing your mind'' she said to herself, immediately she ran to the opening in the tent ''baby are you okay?'' Estelle asked her again as Merci sprinted past her. ''yes Mama'' she said ''did you see it?'' pointing in the direction where she had seen the temple, even though it was gone. Estelle said ''see what?'' oh nothing Merci replied as she walked away. Later on, in the evening Merci entered their tent Estelle asked ''where have you been? ''I've been worried''. Mama are you busy?,'' no baby she answered ''what's going on?'' you're acting a little strange here lately'' well, to say the least, I'm feeling very strange here lately'' said Merci ''what do you mean ''asked her Mother. ''Well like sometimes I'm not in my body or something''. Estelle was quite aware of what was going on with Merci, but she had to continue to act clueless. ''What do you mean?'' her mother asked. she was trying to get answers to questions Merci really had no answer to, and Estelle knew it. Merci said ''nothing besides it sounds crazy'' oh really said Estelle looking at Merci as though she knew better'' it's just that this morning when I went outside I saw the city of Nippur, I mean I really saw it ''said Merci. ''I'm listening'' said Estelle as she looked down at the keyboard on her computer. It was as if she was not surprised by what her daughter was saying. Merci continued to explain I even went into the Temple of Enlil, Estelle had to respond without showing any emotion. All I can say is maybe it was just a mirage'' really mama'' said Merci, as she stormed out the tent. ''What's really happening to me?'' she cried

Estelle was feeling really guilty because she couldn't help to Soothe Merci's mine, she wished she could tell her everything but it was a process that she had to follow without any deviation and she would do what was necessary, including act as if she didn't understand, although she did. The days and nights flew by quickly and before they knew it they had been there for months it was time to return the Cambridge, everyone was busy packing up all of the equipment their smiling faces said that they were happy to be returning to Cambridge. A hot shower and some real food were all everyone could think of. After packing up their tent Merci asked her mother if she could get one last look at the ruins. Her mother said okay but told her to be careful and off she ran. When Merci got to the temple ruins along the left side was an opening, it did not look too deep so she grabbed a torch and a box of matches, and slowly she descended into the darkness. Maybe I should lite the torch first, she thought as she struck the match against the side of the box a strong wind blew it out, again she tried and again it blew out. She tried to strike a match a third time when the Box fell from her hand. She had a choice to go back up or continue to go down the ladder, her decision was to continue down. The deeper she went the harder it was to see, suddenly she saw a dim light in the darkness. What's that? she asked as she placed her foot on the next step of the ladder she lost her footing and fell, hitting her head when she landed on the bottom.

She heard people talking, but she didn't understand anything they were saying, it was another dialect, a different language, one she had never heard before. Sitting up and looking around she realized (Dorothy you are no longer in Kansas) at that moment she was feeling like a circus act one that everyone wanted to see, They all stood around her staring, they knew she wasn't one of them, her clothes were strange and they wondered about the cloth she wore around her legs. Merci interrupted their chatter by asking ''where am I'' but it was soon obvious to her that they didn't understand a word she was saying. Attempting to talk to the people who were surrounding her did not help to ease the unsettling feeling that had overtaken her. suddenly she noticed the crowd began to bow their heads, and she was a little confused by this, then a man appeared before her, very tall and handsome his golden complexion look like hers. The white fabric that fell on his shoulder made him look very important. ''Who is he'' she said not realizing she had said it out loud

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