Chapter 1

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🎼 "I'm not looking to be found. Just want to feel unlost."

A knock at the door forces my eyelids to open. "Sam! Get your ass up."

I pull the earbuds out of my ears and shout at the top of my lungs. "I'm up!"

I slowly move off my bed, putting the earbuds back in, and make my way to my closet. It's the day before my first day of 9th grade and I'm already dreading it. I find a pair of blue wash mom jeans and a baggy grey sweatshirt, probably stolen from one of my brothers.

I change quickly, right before the start of a new song. I move over to the small mirror hanging beside the door of my bedroom and look at myself in the mirror. Bringing my hairbrush to my hair, I try to detangle the snarly blonde curls from when I slept last night. No matter what I do, my hair always seems to be in knots by the morning.

🎼"Am I pretty? Do people like me yet?"

I sigh. Maybe, I should listen to less depressing music because hearing those words just ring over and over in my mind. Will people like me tomorrow? Am I pretty enough? Will I make another friend, so Savannah won't be forced to sit with me all the time? Will I ever feel less lonely?

Another knock brings me back to full consciousness and I wrap my earbuds around my phone. No more listening to music this early in the morning, I can't go any longer thinking those thoughts.

"Come in."

I wrap a bandana around my semi curly semi wavy hair to try and tame it down.

The door opens behind me and I turn around to see my eldest brother, Ezra, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed against his chest. He's also my guardian, so I guess he's my parent as well, but I see him more as a brother than anything else.

"Hey, Ezra."

He pushes himself off the doorframe, and makes his way over to me. He puts his hand on my shoulder and the other hand finds its way into my hair, twirling the strands of it. He smiles down at me, him being over six foot and me being around 5' 6".

"Hey, munchkin." I cringe at the name. "Come on, breakfast is ready. Don't want Brooks or Knox to eat it all, do you?"

I scrunch my nose up, thinking about it. "Not particularly."

"Good." He maneuvers his arm around my neck, so my head is tucked away underneath his arm as he kisses my hairline.

We make our way out of my room, past the rest of the boys' rooms and then down the stairs. Despite having three brothers who have full time jobs, we still struggle at times with money trying to take care of the six of us. I know they tell me not to worry, but sometimes, I just can't help it. There are four bedrooms upstairs and two bathrooms. Knox and Kit, my twin brothers, share a room while my other two brothers, Brooks and Noah, share a room. Ezra and I are the only ones who get our own rooms simply because he is the oldest and I'm the only girl. He also gets his own bathroom because it's attached to the master. The rest of us share the other bathroom, but it doesn't really matter since Ezra usually lets us use his anyway.

I hear shouting as we come off of the last step and I can already tell it's going to be a long day. Ezra lets go of me to try and stop Knox and Brooks from fighting while I just go to sit at the kitchen table. It's a rectangular shaped wooden table big enough to seat the whole family. Ezra and Knox usually sit at the head of the table, so the rest of us just sit somewhere in the middle. I plop myself down and watch the drama unfold just like it happens almost every weekend.

"You Idiot! You're gonna burn the pancakes!"

"If you had fucking watched them like I told you to, then we wouldn't be having this problem." Knox replies, waving the spatula in front of Brooks's face.

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