😈chapter 6😈

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Akira's point of view

I walked down the yellow path of Wonderland and looked around. I decided that it was about time to check on my house and my... "Roommate"
I walked in , it was spotless and organised .... Just the way I liked it. But I had to hurry cause a show started soon.
I walked upstairs and opened the door to my bedroom , looking at where my stopwatch normally was , realising it wasn't there , hmm strange , I was starting to look around when Jordan walked up to my house...... And knocked , great... I walked to the door and opened it , "hello my boy!" I said in a worried tone
The young Child must of noticed cause he asked " are you ok ringleader? "
I sighed " you see right through me my boy , I lost my stop watch , and I need it "
Jordan thought and came up with a idea , " what about I look for it while you preform "
" Of course my boy , I trust you , so the show will be over in 2 hours , hope you find it " I walked out as the boy waved to me , I hope blue didn't tell Jordan anything , otherwise he'll regret it

( At the mushroom , before the incident )
Jordan's point of view
I followed the chesrire cat , it was strange to see Akira and chesrire fighting , it was odd to see anyone in Wonderland fighting.
We came up to the mushroom and chesrire yelled " BLUE GET YOURSELF OVER HERE NOW , WE GOT A NEW FRIEND "
Slowly a huge blue caterpillar on the mushroom look down at us , " ah , yes , I assumed that with the word going around of a ..... Jordan? "

I nodded and looked at the caterpillar , as it picked up something off the top of the mushroom , I soon realized it was a hookah , something my mom used , I realised soon , that I had a awful home sick

" Well you can call me blue " he said , exhaling the smoke into chesrires face , as the cat coughed
" Now that he is dazed , young one , I must tell you .... You have two choices , to escape Wonderland and run to your mother , whose waiting for you , or to stay in Wonderland and possibly be in danger "
I was confused , no one in Wonderland was dangerous , well atleast I didn't think so. The blue caterpillar soon started explaining

I'm just going to make the next chapter the story blue tells - author note

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