Chapter two.

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It was the end of the day, finally, time to go home and relax by the pool.

"Hey Allie, how do you think you did on our projects for English?" Ruby asks.

That's ruby. She's my best friend in the entire world, we've known eachother since we were like, five.

"I think I did good" I sigh, "who am I kidding? I totally failed it. I've been so preoccupied with my dad and him finding me a stupid baby sitter for a month, that I haven't had much time to do school work."

"Well, if it means anything, I totally failed my science test." She giggles making me cheer up a little bit. "Actually that does help." I smile as I get into my car, "hey, you wanna come over for a little bit and maybe help me study, girl?" I offer

"Sure!" She exclaims and puts her bag in the back with mine.

We put our seatbelts on and I put my car in drive and drive home.

"Dad! Ruby is gonna help me study a little bit!" I shout

"You want to stay for dinner too?" I ask and she nods, "sure!"

"And she's staying for dinner as well!" I shout as I walk into the kitchen running smack dab into someone. Damn it! I look up to see it's one of my dads body guards.

"Mr. styles, do you mind?" I scold and of course he just giggles causing me to roll my eyes and walk around him.

I get into the fridge and grab some Gatorade and throw a bottle to ruby and keep one for myself.

"Catch!" I say as I toss it to her. "What's he doing here dad?" I ask curiously

"Well, sweetie, you know how I have to go out of town for a month?" He asks

"Yeah? Wha—he's not my baby sitter is he?!" I scoff

"Fortunately for you, he is. You'll be in safe hands Allie."

Little does he know I don't want to be in his hands. I'm going to make his life hell for the next month or so

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