The Responses

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I'm alive shocking I know Ive just had a lot going on and I apologise for the wait but I'm busy at work. ive written up many new drafts for more chapters after this one I'm just trying to decide on where I want this story to go.

Morgana's POV

For a few minutes I just sat there contemplating what I should say before I put my quill to the paper and just write what I wanted to say the most.

Dragon lord

Firstly I must thank you. Aithusa is very dear to me and to see her so well again brings such joy to my heart.

To be honest I was not aware there was any surviving dragonlord's.

Although I have the feeling you will not accept due to my past reputation, I'm offering an invitation to join me in my newest endeavor. Getting powerful and skilled people together to save other sorcerers and protect magical creatures. I know that you might not want to, and I will respect that for Aithusa's sake.

I know there are plenty of times I have seemed to become unhinged I have it under control now.

Sincerely Morgana De le Fey.

I decided to not tell him immediately about my soulmate helping me to return my sanity because it is unknown if he can be trusted, and I will not risk my love.

Standing up and sealing the envelope I sit it aside to deliver in a day or so once Aithusa has had time to rest and I know it's safe to send her out.


Back with Merlin and company.

Once they finished catching up on all the memories up till now, everyone wincing at his past injuries and flinching seeing Arthur's dreadful response that caused Merlin to be injured to begin with.

For a little while everyone just stared at Merlin with varies emotions mostly shock and realization.

"Merlin I'm not going to lie to you I am upset with some of the things you have done, and I cant help but feel that there had to have been some other solution then to poison Morganna. But out of anyone I can understand the pressure that you must have been under with everything and I'm not sure I would have been able to handle it all as well as you did. Granted my feelings towards magic itself are still complicated because yes I can see what you mean by it being a tool and that not it's simply black and white." Arthur said

Merlin nodded in understanding with hope in his eyes.

"All that said though Merlin, I need you to confirm some things for me. First off did my father really kill my mother and if so and you knew why I shouldn't but still it would have been so much easier for you if you did let me just kill him, we saw your memories and therefore what you told Gaius but still why did you stop me?" he asked merlin as calmly as he could trying to restrain the frustration.

"Arthur there were multiple reasons firstly I knew you weren't ready to be king yet secondly if you had killed your father, it would have torn apart the kingdom and like I said that was what Morgous wanted. Morgous was and is extremely manipulative and Im truly sorry that I really cant say for certain if that was really youre mothers spirit or if it was truly an illusion created by Morgous. While she did know youre mother, she was not above using the love you have for youre mother to push you to kill youre father. It killed me inside every time I had to turn you further against magic, but you wouldn't stop if I didnt give you that reasoning. And I knew you went through with it you should never forgive yourself it would always haunt you at least and you didnt need that burden." Merlin said looking into Arthur's eyes.

"Thank you, Merlin, and you should know I mean that" Arthur said seriously before clapping his hand on Merlin shoulder and saying "and don't worry once we get back home to Camelot, we will draft up some papers so people can start practicing harmless magic. It will take a lot to get it through, but we will do it and while we do I want you to be there Merlin. I swear to you, we will have you're back." Arthur said earnestly.

Merlin teared up and smiling at Arthur said, "You have no idea how much that means to me."

Arthur didnt say anything back, but he pulled Merlin into a hug. Once they parted no more words needed spoken between each other.

Once they were all finished packing up it was time for them to get back on their horses and began the journey home.

Fair warning I feel like this need a some of Merlin own perspective again so next chapter will probably include some angsty Merlin or might have confusing POV.

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