Halls of the Castle

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She didn't understand how they didn't notice her slip away from the group. For goodness sake! She was in a flipping gown! She let it fade from her mind because she knew Pen would cover for her.

"Now where should I start," she asked herself, and rubbed her hands together as if she had an evil plan.

She began to walk, but soon got lost. The halls were so long and confusing, she thought even the King would get lost in here.

She continued on to what seemed to be an hour. But then she noticed something different in the hall she was in. The white marble changed into a gray. The stone flooring smoothed out and there was a huge opening at the end into a room. From what she could see it looked empty.

As she came close to it, saw that it was a little room to look down into the garden. Natural lighting filled the room which made the room even more beautiful. There was some benches with fine cushions on them. There were shorter and smaller pillars that held glod vases and other small trinkets.

She walked over to the window and looked down into the garden. She saw gardeners tending the flowers and two young, little princesses strolling the grounds.

She looked back at the entrance, then over at the objects in the room. Some vases held red roses, others had white. Other pedestals had some glass vases with many kinds of flowers in them. She walked over to one with some flowers she's never seen before. This pedestals stood close to the opening so she could stay on watch. She knew she wasn't suppose to be there.

She quickly turned a sharp sound out towards the garden. Her elbow tapped the vase and wobbled off the pedestal. She didn't have time to realize what she had just done and gave out a gasp.

"Good thing I was here to catch this. Glass vases are easy to break and hard to replace."

She looked at the glass vase then followed the hands up to the person's face. She first saw his smile then his eyes. His voice was sweet and wasn't angry to find an unknown girl in the lookout room. He had shaggy brown hair, soft green eyes, and a light tan. He was more handsome than any man her age that she's been in contact with; this included the prince. But she was a stubborn heart to win.

He placed it back where it was; a bit if water spilt onto his hands and the ground.

"So, who are you and what are you doing in here?" He asked with a gentle tone and a genuine smile.

"Well you see..." What would I say! She thought!

He chuckled. "You must be Duke Thrahwood's oldest daughter, am I correct?"

She felt a heat inside her. They must have known she slipped away! "Yes, I'm..."

"I guess I should introduce myself first. The name's Magnus Overlock. I do special work for the king."

"Special?" She sassy tone started to come out but she tried to hold it. "So you're more than a knight?"

He smirked. "Definitely."

"Then why are you in here? And was that special work to find the rebellious daughter of the duke?"

His smile grew at her sass. "Well, Princess, I just happened to come in here to find a young woman almost drop a priceless object. Now aren't you going to introduce yourself? I think it's only fair."

Her eyes widened a bit. No one has ever humored and sassed with her before except her sister. They were never as bold as this Magnus.

Then she remembered something. "If I tell you my name, please don't laugh." She looked into his eyes again.

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